Jersey Post Office refuses to deliver Gospel of Mark

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I'm tempted to suggest that maybe someone at the post office took time to actually read the gospel of Mark—"Is not this the carpenter, the son of Mary and brother of James and Joses and Judas and Simon? And are not his sisters here with us? And they took offense at him" (Mark 6:3)—and noticed that Jesus is so extraordinary that he is offensive to some people.

But more likely it was just the opposite. Some worker flagged it as religious material without really thinking much about it and made a stupid decision that will, when wiser heads prevail, be overturned without much difficulty.
Not that it makes it any better, but perhaps it should be pointed out that the "Jersey" referred to in the headline is the Channel Island, not the State of New Jersey. This did not happen in the United States. Again, though, that does not make the decision any less reprehensible.
Not that it makes it any better, but perhaps it should be pointed out that the "Jersey" referred to in the headline is the Channel Island, not the State of New Jersey. This did not happen in the United States. Again, though, that does not make the decision any less reprehensible.

That's true, I was wondering whether I should mention that or not.
This is a hysteria creating non-story typical of the UK media.
The Jersey Evening Post stated on 9th September:-
This morning Jersey Post managing director Kevin Keen issued a full apology. ‘We got it horribly wrong,’ he said. ‘I am trying to get hold of the sponsors of the project and I have apologised profusely. If they want us to deliver it, then we will deliver it.
‘I know who did it and they got it wrong. The person took the decision about whether we should distribute religious material and that was completely wrong of them and not the policy of this company.’

As has been said many times on the PB….”Move along folks….there’s nothing to see here”
Also reminds me again that the Constitution does make a difference between the US and the UK.

Positive or negative or both? That would have to be for a different thread.
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