Justification: creative and declaration?

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Puritan Board Professor
What is the best way to refute the idea that justification is only the recognition of the acquittal?
I have heard justification is transfer terminology (Horton)and that justification is a creative speech act (Gathercole) as evidenced by Paul using it in close proximity with ideas of the raising from the dead Jesus and creating out of nothing. Is the cereation or speech act comptatible with a declaration on the imputed righteousness of Christ? What of the 'recognition' of being united with Christ and recieving his righteousness? Or is that different?
Any resources on the subject?
Build your doctrine of justification by reading, first Owen's works volume 5, and Buchanan's treatise on justification. Then read Fesko's wonderful treatment of the subject. The volume of essays by WTS east faculty ("Justified in Christ") addresses a lot of the issues you raised.
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