Since the LCMS believes and teaches baptismal regeneration, could it
be considered a church that teaches heresy? It seems to me that
baptismal regeneration adds to the atonement:
LCMS: Justification = Faith + Baptism
Biblical: Justification = Faith alone (Romans 5:1)
Luther clearly teaches this baptismal regeneration in the Small Catechism. So how could this be called a Christian church?
Thus, it appears that they are teaching another gospel in the LCMS.
be considered a church that teaches heresy? It seems to me that
baptismal regeneration adds to the atonement:
LCMS: Justification = Faith + Baptism
Biblical: Justification = Faith alone (Romans 5:1)
Luther clearly teaches this baptismal regeneration in the Small Catechism. So how could this be called a Christian church?
Thus, it appears that they are teaching another gospel in the LCMS.