Lion, Witch, and the Wardrobe trailer leaked

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Now that's what you call a bootleg copy. It does look like a really good movie. I'll defenitely take my boys to the theater to see that one.
Disney exec: We don't want to use an un-PC term like witch, hmmm, how about kindness-challenged wise woman? Lions, we want people to realize that they're endangered, wait a minute, this whole royalty thing...
Originally posted by LadyFlynt
COOL!!! I can't wait. Didn't the Witch look like the Queen Bee of the Borg?!

Yeah, I thought so too. And it did look really cool!!

Originally posted by Arstager
Hopefully Disney doesn't screw this up really bad.



That clip reminds me of the Seinfeld episode, "The Little Kicks" where Jerry has to bootleg a movie.
There is a legitimate trailer available:
Lion Witch and Wardrobe Trailer

I don't know if it the same one, I did not look at the bootleg thing. Looks awesome. This is a quote from the Sunday Times:

The conservatives are looking forward to the Christmas release of CS Lewis´s The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, co-funded by Disney and Philip Anschutz, the American billionaire who is an evangelical Presbyterian.

"œThe film makers met with us recently to assure us they are maintaining the original Christian allegory of the books," said Waliszewski.
While it was a bootleg. it was only a trailer that was actually playing. I didn't think that was really stealing or something. I wouldn't buy it or download an entire movie or anything.
The conservatives are looking forward to the Christmas release of CS Lewis´s The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, co-funded by Disney and Philip Anschutz, the American billionaire who is an evangelical Presbyterian.

"œThe film makers met with us recently to assure us they are maintaining the original Christian allegory of the books," said Waliszewski.

Philip Anschutz may be an evangelical Presbyterian, but he is no friend of landowners' rights. I was involved with litigation against his companies on this issue for a number of years. He made a lot of money off of property that did not belong to him.

[Edited on 5-14-2005 by VirginiaHuguenot]
That's too bad. I've never heard of him. "Evangelical Presbyterian" as a term is a bit vacuous too. I would be more curious about denominational affiliation.
I got to see the trailer on the big screen when I saw Star Wars Revenge. It looked awesome on the big screen. I am really looking forward to this movie.

If anyone hears anything about how they did with the screenplay and how faithful it is to the books I would love to know it.
Originally posted by Loriann
Draught, I mentioned my stance on this in the LAST thread about your beloved PUKER series!

Sorry, should not have posted here.

SIGHS :tombstone:

What I am getting at is that the bible has quite a few elements of the fantasy in it. In Numbers 22 we find talking animals. In Judges 9:7-15 we see talking trees (Lord of the Rings sound familiar, anybody?). In Ezekiel 37 we find bones being raised from the dead (sounds like Necromancy). In revelation we hear alot of dragon-talk.

This supports my contention--which has not even been touched, let alone refuted--that the bible is the Fairy Tale come true. I have argued repeatedly (all of which have been ignored) for the use of a narratival apologetic.
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