London Baptist Confession Books

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Puritan Board Freshman
This post doesn't have a thing to do with theology, I was just wondering what is the best copy of the London Baptist Confession? Also is there a form of a study guide to the confession. I'm thinking about teaching a class on this confession, but it would probably be a home study.
1689 LBCF A Modern Exposition by Sam Waldron

A Scriptural Exposition of the Baptist Catechism by Benjamin Beddome

LBCF Sermon Series by Jeff Massey & Sovereign Grace Baptist Church He does bring in Warfieldism into his understanding of chapter 1, but over all the series is good.

Thread in which I asked for something similar a few years ago:

You may find some useful material here as well: The Baptist Standard Bearer, Inc., Free Printed Materials

LBCF & Catechism

You can also find PDF copies for those who have ereaders. But make sure they're the unupdated version of the LBCF.

Hope these help.
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