Made vs constituted

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Puritan Board Professor
With regard to Romans 5:19 and 2 Corinthians 5:21, why is it translated as mad in many Bible versions? Is there a good reason for that? What of the word constituted that I find frequently when paraphrasing specifically Romans 5:19? What does the actual Greek word mean since I am just a layman?
Hello Trent. As I understand. Through Adams sin all those to come, his posterity, are made sinners. Not made sinners by design to sin.
With the verse in Romans 5:19 there is a continuation of the Pauline Federal 2 Adam Theology,

Rom 5:19 For as by one man’s disobedience many were made sinners, so by the obedience of one shall many be made righteous.

Just as Adam was made in God's image, we too were made in Adam's fallen likeness Gen 5: 1-3 likewise we who are in Christ the Second Adam shall also be made in His likeness at His coming for our mortal & corrupt persons shall be made
like his Immortal body, there is a parallelism of thought here that is so characteristic of Hebrew thought, though it is
Presenting a contrast between 2 Federal Covenantal relationships that are also 2 different states of existence, one in
Adam which is earthly, carnal, fallen & sinful, the other in Christ which is Heavenly, Spiritual,Redeemed & Holy.

We were made one & shall by grace be made the other.
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