New Milton Terry Edition?

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Iron Dramatist
Anyone know the differences between the 780-some-odd page newer edition of Biblical Hermeneutics by Terry as compared to the 540-ish page first edition from Wipf & Stock? Just curious as to whether the new edition is larger because it's been retypset from the older photolithograph that I think is in the earlier edition.
Anyone know the differences between the 780-some-odd page newer edition of Biblical Hermeneutics by Terry as compared to the 540-ish page first edition from Wipf & Stock? Just curious as to whether the new edition is larger because it's been retypset from the older photolithograph that I think is in the earlier edition.

It is more than just typesetting. I have the 780 page version and I compared it to the table of contents from the 540 page one from wipf & stock, and the biggest chunk is that the last part included in the larger version (history of interpretation) is not included in the shorter work. There are some other differences but that is the main one.

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