No actual Hell?


Puritan Board Post-Graduate
I learned of a couple in my church that have always shown to be mature in their theological understanding, but today it was shown that they deny the existence of a literal Hell. Basically when the non-elect die, they just cease to exist.

I have never heard of this before. Does this view have a name that I can search for resources for? Also do you have any resources on it?

Thanks in advance for helping me understand and help teach this couple.
I learned of a couple in my church that have always shown to be mature in their theological understanding, but today it was shown that they deny the existence of a literal Hell. Basically when the non-elect die, they just cease to exist.

I have never heard of this before. Does this view have a name that I can search for resources for? Also do you have any resources on it?

Thanks in advance for helping me understand and help teach this couple.
Yes, it is called


That view is called Annihilationism. It's been around for a long time as a minority view, and rightfully so. However, it has become more mainstream within the last 15 years since Rob Bell wrote his "Love Wins" book and with the help of the hyper-grace movement. It is an idea that downplays the seriousness of sin and outright denies the Justice of the Lord. Because, in their view, how could a good and loving God do that to people?
I thought that was the view of one who goes to hell to pay the penalty of sins and once the penalty is paid, they are annihilated and cease to exist. Am I wrong?
I think you're right.
Their are people who define annihilation as you said.
Check works of Chris Date he said on the matter of soteriology he is a "calvinist" also there a website whic he contribute dedicated only this issue

Most of them are influenced by Edward Fudge,
How is death a bad thing then? Considering you won’t experience it.
One time I heard Chris Date answer the same question, in which he said it is not only death but death by consuming fire. He also added that even at this age, the death penalty is the highest punishment for a crime, not lifetime prison.
I found William G. T. Shedd’s book The Doctrine of Endless Punishment to be a helpful read in addressing annihilationism. Perhaps you may profit from it too? One of my closest friends believes in this. She has become more reformed as she’s gotten older, but this is one view she clings to.
The late Dr. John Gerstner wrote a reply to William Fudge entitled "Repent or Perish, the Conservative Attack on Hell."
It's out of print, but there are copies on Ebay.
For what it's worth, Rob Bell in Love Wins argued not for annihilationism but that eventually everyone after death will come around to a point where they'll end up in Heaven. That's why the book is called Love Wins.