Okay, so what is everyone up to?

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Puritan Board Doctor
I already announce my breadmaking skills (I'm sure that thrilled everyone)...oh and I'm listening to "Soul Harvest" (sorry, I can only stand dramatized books on tape and they aren't streamlining the Narnia series right now on onestop.com...so my only other choices would be "Unshackled" or "Odessey" (sigh).
Ugh...I actually like "Odessey"...but as a mom, one can only take so much of it. It reminds me of Barney from when I babysat in highschool.
BTW, I love Adventures in Odyssey. We have probably heard almost every episode at least twice. Most of them 4 or 5 times.
Well, I'm listening to Pink Floyd while IMing my sis while procrastinating on my homework.
Bread sounds good . . . I'm hoping to make some whole-wheat, sugar-free chocolate chip muffins soon. Well, once I get my homework done. Maybe Friday I'll have some time. :)
Just got the kids all of to bed, watched LAw and Order SVU and am now browsing the net. Wondering when I should hit the sack because I have 8:30am meeting on "Dealing with Change".
Reading Calvin with a red ballpoint pen furiously writing in the margin and praying for proof texts from scripture for 75% of what he proposes.
Was not impressed with the bread...perhaps because I used whole wheat flour that made it very heavy? Yikes...those four should have been two. No wonder the south didn't win, I wasn't born yet to mess up the cannon balls, I mean bread rolls.

Going to try it with white flour tomorrow...
Harp-herding....teaching a class tonight. Can you imagine what 10 harps sound like, played at one time? (!!)



Originally posted by LadyFlynt
I'm about to start baking those loaves.....mmmmm!

Quick - talk to Jessical! Tell her "sugar-free" and "chocolate chip" are contradictory concepts.

No kidding! Chocolate without sugar! Yikes! (and here I sat eating the leftover sugar cubes from our igloo project today :lol: )
I'm trying to decide if I want to be a chaplain, a pastor, or if I want to just turn into a professional student.
Originally posted by Robin
Quick - talk to Jessical! Tell her "sugar-free" and "chocolate chip" are contradictory concepts.


Okay, okay.

Sugar-free except for the chocolate. :D
I am trying to decide whether I am a pre-umbilicalist or a post-umbilicalist. The bellybutton was a post Fall body part I believe, so therefore, I am leaning towards the latter (although mid-umblicalism is defended by many) .
Leaving for Seoul Korea in 2 hours....representing Wells Fargo Bank for purchase of Korean Air 747, reviewing records and assisting FAA Designee with Export.

Yeah just another one of those UNGODLY women out there......

oh well...ya gotta be somewhere....;)
Jacob said,
hiding from government agents

Jacob, I want to apologize for Coleen's snickering. I knew you dead serious but in her defense I think she was asking, "What are you up to in your bunker?"

That is all. (salute) :cool:
Originally posted by CalsFarmer
Leaving for Seoul Korea in 2 hours....representing Wells Fargo Bank for purchase of Korean Air 747, reviewing records and assisting FAA Designee with Export.

Yeah just another one of those UNGODLY women out there......

oh well...ya gotta be somewhere....;)

Hey, Wells Fargo is who my loan for our Crossfire is through. Actually the best customer service I've ever gotten from a bank!
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