Parental Rights--Hisorical Sources

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Puritan Board Graduate
A friend of mine passed along a question and I am, in turn, passing it on to the PB. I'll copy and paste it below:

A good friend of mine is working on his Thesis for seminary (due in another month) and he has had trouble finding some information.

His Thesis is basically on Parental Rights, and he is in need of historical information from the early church fathers all the way to the main people of the Reformation. Here is what he wrote to me:

"I am well positioned Biblically, and also have a lot of information on the opposing view (as I am going to compare and contrast both views - against children's rights advocates). So anything historical following the first century through the Reformation period will help."

I wondered if you have dabbled with any early church history regarding the "rights" of a parent and would know (with minimal effort) of any sources that might be applicable (I obviously don't want to put you to work, I just thought I could quickly pick your brain).

So, do any of you Puritan Board scholars have any suggestions for sources for any time period between the early church fathers to the Reformation?
I'm only going to bump this thread once or twice, at most, as I know it is a very obscure question, but:

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