query about Brian Mclauren

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McLaren is one of the leaders of the emergent movement. He came to Grand Rapids Theological Seminary last fall for a seminar on the emerging church with professor Mike Wittmer and local pastor Ed Dobson. You can listen to their presentations here if you're intereseted.

[Edited on 1-25-2006 by Plimoth Thom]
Originally posted by rmwilliamsjr
i had an emailed recommendation to read today,

brian mclauren secret message of Jesus, new book

i don't know anything about B.Mclauren, has anyone read his books?
he sounds unorthodox but interested from amazon reviews but i'd hate to waste time and money if he is really off the wall.


Doug Wilson has given the most devastating book review in the world, when he reviewed McClaren.

I learned a lot about presuppositionalism in action reading his reviews.
Top Ten Reasons for Not taking postmodernism seriously

4. Movements that set themselves apart from other movements ought to do a better job of actually setting themselves apart. Postmodernism needs to be more than chapter thirteen in modernity's book, which is still enjoying brisk sales. Black hat Mennonites ought not to think that their rupture with the white hat Mennonites goes to the very root of the matter, starting a new chapter in human history.

6. I am afraid they kind of got their groove on too soon. Postmodernism brought sex up way too early in the discussion, and made it obvious that the point of going up to the apartment was actually not to see those watercolors. Postmodern man has to work a little harder to make her (or him, no harsh theonomic judgmentalism here!) think that he is really interested in her/him as an I-Thou kind of person in the context of a caring relationship. All while fumbling with the top button. Not everybody can do that, and it has to be said that postmodernism has too obvious a leer, and hands like a couple of ten pound hams. "Mon cheri, do you ever wonder what Sartre meant when he said . . ."

7. Books written by postmodernists are books that are way too full of words. And all of them could have used a corn-fed editor who used to play left tackle at Nebraska, and who was brought up in the Assemblies of God. "Jacques, this doesn't make any sense, man."

8. All the usual suspects like postmodernism, and they carry on with it in their usual way. Postmodern prophets and seers get their edgy worldview from places like CNN and then find the contours of this trendy worldview right there, in the Bible! It turns out that the prophet Isaiah was wrestling with women's issues and ozone depletion, just like us!! And the biblical worldview is just what we were all thinking already!!! Talk about luck!!!!

9. Relying on Europeans with a bad case of the epistemological fantods is no way to rebuild a civilization.

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