Question on Heaven / Hell quote

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Jerusalem Blade

Puritan Board Professor
Some time ago I came across a quote which had these ideas in it, though I can't remember the actual quote:

On the inside of the entrance to Heaven are the words, "You entered here not by your own works, but by Christ's"; and on the inside of Hell's entrance, "You entered here by your own works, and are alone responsible for it."

That's not the quote, just the gist, as far as I can remember. Anyone know what I'm talking of? I've tried searches, but found nothing.


I wish I could help you here....the jist of what you said is what I believe also to be true....those in hell are there by their own doing.....however I did have someone send me a cute card and on it was a description of what heaven is like and what hell is is a in essence a clean joke...I hope it makes you and others laugh a bit...I think our Lord as well as God the Father have a sense of humor...we are created in His image ....if they did not...I do not think we would have a sense of humor......well here goes I hope I do not offend anyone....

HEAVEN is where:
The police are British
The chefs Italian
The mechanics are German
The lovers are French
and it's all organised by the Swiss

HELL is where:
The police are German
The chefs are British
The mechanics are French
The lovers are Swiss
and it's all organised by the Italians!!
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