Reformed Philosophy

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Puritan Board Freshman
I know that "reformed philosophy" may be difficult to define, but does anyone know of a school/seminary that offers a masters in philosophy from a reformed perspective?

Sorry if a question like this has been posted before. I looked and did not really find anything.

Thanks in advance!


I can't answer your question either. :(
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What about the legacy of the late Dr. Greg Bahnsen? Is there not a (virtual) Bahnsen Theological Seminary? Certainly that would offer something in philosophy.

This just in: a bit of searching on the PB indicates that BTS is now Christ Theological Seminary. Christ Theological Seminary

The website indicates there is an M.A. in philosophy and apologetics.

EDIT: see also this thread:

-----Added 12/22/2008 at 09:57:55 EST-----

And welcome to you sir! :welcome:
Ligonier Ministries will be soon starting up its new "Academy"...with all the great focus R.C. Sproul has on philosophy, maybe that new Academy will off a Masters in Philosophy??
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