Taking my leave

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Puritan Board Post-Graduate
I'm writing to let you know that I do not intend to be an active participant of the board any longer. From the bottom of my heart I thank everyone who has made me feel welcome since I joined, everyone who has helped me to grow in wisdom and maturity, and everyone who put up with me when my attitude was less than what it should have been. Those of us who have become friends have other ways to keep in touch, and I trust that we will put them to use. Farewell! :wave: :cheers:
One less classical studies student involved always makes any conversation that much less exciting. Peace, brother. May God bless you on the road ahead.
It's been encouraging to see the spiritual growth in your life through Puritan Board.
Bye! I will miss your posts.
Can you come back one more time just to tell me where you decided to go? Notre Dame or Vanderbilt?
May the Lord bless your studies as you swim in the deep waters of the classics. Just do us all a favor and don't go swim across the Tiber!
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