The Dark Side of Dubai

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This may seem like a silly question, given the location, but is there any known missionary work happening in Dubai?
Wow. That's scary.

Ahmed al-Atar is a handsome 23-year-old with a neat, trimmed beard, tailored white robes, and rectangular wire-glasses. He speaks perfect American-English, and quickly shows that he knows London, Los Angeles and Paris better than most westerners. Sitting back in his chair in an identikit Starbucks, he announces: "This is the best place in the world to be young! The government pays for your education up to PhD level. You get given a free house when you get married. You get free healthcare, and if it's not good enough here, they pay for you to go abroad. You don't even have to pay for your phone calls. Almost everyone has a maid, a nanny, and a driver. And we never pay any taxes. Don't you wish you were Emirati?"

:rolleyes: Loser. What good is it to gain the whole world...
This may seem like a silly question, given the location, but is there any known missionary work happening in Dubai?

I am not sure. I know that Middle East Reformed Fellowship is an active agency in that part of the world, but I am not sure if they are in the UAE. Reading many parts of this essay, especially those that talk about the slave underclasses, I kept thinking to myself "these people need to hear the gospel!".

I posted this because it was a sobering reminder to me about just how awfully corrupt and wicked Adams fallen race is. The beautiful pictures of brand new buildings and stunning modern architecture that I had seen in many magazines throughout the years are truely deceptive and hide what lies beneath the surface of a seemingly beautiful city.
Reading many parts of this essay, especially those that talk about the slave underclasses, I kept thinking to myself "these people need to hear the gospel!".

I was thinking the exact same thing. Thanks for sharing the link - I had no idea.
That article simply points up that Islam has no relation to Christianity--it is a religion of the devil. There is absolutely no regard for the dignity and worth of human life as created in the image of God.
This is such a core feature of the Muslim System and Culture,

Muslims in History always tried and often succeeded to enslave the non Arabs, so they can have a life of «prosperity».

Arabs conquered and dominated Spain and Portugal for centuries, they were here in Portugal 500 years, from 700 till 1250 AD,

Guess who was working and who was Reigning? We were slaves in our own country.

We had to conquer our country back, mile after mile, in bloody battles.

And Arabs didn’t give up on dominating the Western World!!!

This is their strategy:

When in the West or in the land of the infidels or when weak, then practice 'Meccan Islam'.

When in Islamic paradises or when the number of Muslims becomes sizable in an infidels land, then practice 'Medina Islam' or the 'real Islam'.
Read "The Arab Mind" by Patai. A good expose of a people craving pleasure, ease, and despising honest work. As the Zionist leader Vladimir Jabotinsky pointed out, Arabs have invented nothing throughout their history. They have only stolen from other cultures. Perhaps this also explains why they never win any wars!!:detective:
Since this seems to have deteriorated into a resource thread for the Muslim mindset, I offer this video:

[ame=]Islam: What the West Needs to Know - FULL LENGTH ENGLISH VERSION[/ame]
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