The Mimic Octopus

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Puritan Board Senior
Heard about this creature the other day.
This octopus is able to copy the physical likeness and movement of more than fifteen different species, including sea snakes, lionfish, flatfish, brittle stars, giant crabs, sea shells, stingrays, flounders, jellyfish, sea anemones, and mantis shrimp.
It does it both for hunting and frightening away predators.

Mimic Octopus - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And to think that it only took hundreds of millions of years of accidents for it to be able to do all of those things.
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My thoughts exactly. Chance mutations and time. . .

This little critter is another amazing display of our marvelous Creator God's handiwork. Isn't he wonderful?

Watching the video made me wish that diving had not gotten so popular and subsequently expensive. I miss it badly.
The Lord's creation is fascinating, and it's such a reminder of how unsearchable and unfathomable the greatness of God is.
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