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Woooo Hooooo! I do not have a voice. That was the best game of football I've ever seen. There were about 30 seconds where I thought, "How am I going to face everybody on the Puritan Board?" That thought was immediately followed by depression that my biggest worry is what my internet friends will say. Uh Oh. I think I'm in a bad place:lol:
Woooo Hooooo! I do not have a voice. That was the best game of football I've ever seen. There were about 30 seconds where I thought, "How am I going to face everybody on the Puritan Board?" That thought was immediately followed by depression that my biggest worry is what my internet friends will say. Uh Oh. I think I'm in a bad place:lol:

You mean you don't have a church full of rabid Eagle's fans ready to tear you apart when the Steelers are defeated(I know that doesn't make any sense right now, but live in the suburbs of Philly for half a week, and you will see strange things...)??

Best game I've seen except for the Giants-Patriots Super Bowl.

Since VA doesn't have a team, the few in the area who watch NFL are themselves imports to Richmond, so there's no mob mentality here! Thankfully we have other Steeler fans exiled to VA, so we still found Steeler Country!
IT WAS AWESOME!!!!!!! my voice is hoarse too... GREAT TIME!!!!!

-----Added 2/2/2009 at 08:41:14 EST-----

our friend brought 3 cases of that beer your husband is holding.... 1 and a half got drunk at the party... now I have more beer in my fridge than Dew... that's never happened b4!!!!!
IT WAS AWESOME!!!!!!! my voice is hoarse too... GREAT TIME!!!!!

I've never screamed so much in my life! Somehow our children managed to sleep through the noise! The game three years ago was nowhere near as good, although we still lived in Pittsburgh, so the response was so great! I was teaching, but I already planned a personal day, but the schools did have a two hour delay, like today in Pittsburgh! The Steelers make me homesick:(

-----Added 2/2/2009 at 08:47:45 EST-----

our friend brought 3 cases of that beer your husband is holding.... 1 and a half got drunk at the party... now I have more beer in my fridge than Dew... that's never happened b4!!!!!

At first I thought you meant one and a half people got inebriated! I was like, "uh oh..."

They had Iron City at the party, which is Pittsburgh's REAL beer (but not real tasty).
I doubt much of the beer we brought got drank either.

-----Added 2/2/2009 at 08:48:37 EST-----

I just noticed: Three CASES??? Yeah, you've got a lot of beer.
I was tring to figure out the proper usage... wether it would be 1 1/2 got drank??? or 1 1/2 got drunk???
No one got drunk... my hubby did have a huge goofy grin on his fase and a headache this morning... but we had a great time... His mom came and get the boys so we had a fun relaxing time.. it was the first night, since my uncle's death I wasn't sad!!!!!!

-----Added 2/2/2009 at 08:54:15 EST-----

oh and BTW I don't drink beer...I was strickly taking shots.... and drinking dew... Bobby on the other hand was drinking beer and only took one shot... so he's got a ton of beer to last him a WHILE... BTW does beer go bad?
Beer doesn't go bad quickly. It used to be a means to preserve something to drink because water supplies were so poor. Shelf life = a long time.

Congratulations Steelers' fans. It was a great game. One play made it/broke it, depending upon who you're rooting for. But I was very pleased with my home team's play last night. They have no reason to hang their heads after a game like that.

By the way, even though the Steelers are the champions, I still won a wager. There are two young ladies here who need to pay up. :D
I was tring to figure out the proper usage... wether it would be 1 1/2 got drank??? or 1 1/2 got drunk???
No one got drunk... my hubby did have a huge goofy grin on his fase and a headache this morning... but we had a great time... His mom came and get the boys so we had a fun relaxing time.. it was the first night, since my uncle's death I wasn't sad!!!!!!

-----Added 2/2/2009 at 08:54:15 EST-----

oh and BTW I don't drink beer...I was strickly taking shots.... and drinking dew... Bobby on the other hand was drinking beer and only took one shot... so he's got a ton of beer to last him a WHILE... BTW does beer go bad?

Beer can go bad (get skunky) if you chill it, then set it out, then chill it again, then set it out, etc. You know what I mean? If you already have it all in the fridge, then I think you kinda gotta leave it there (or put it out in the cold), but if it's just sitting, I think it has a good shelf life.

I had one bud light lime and one glass of wine over a loooooooooong stretch of time, so I didn't get anything but sleepy, twice. Once after the beer, and then again after the wine like three hours later.
yep yep... I'll pay up on that... here's 6 atta boys...
(but we still won!!!!!!)

-----Added 2/2/2009 at 09:02:05 EST-----

yep it's all in the fridge
Beer doesn't go bad quickly. It used to be a means to preserve something to drink because water supplies were so poor. Shelf life = a long time.

Congratulations Steelers' fans. It was a great game. One play made it/broke it, depending upon who you're rooting for. But I was very pleased with my home team's play last night. They have no reason to hang their heads after a game like that.

By the way, even though the Steelers are the champions, I still won a wager. There are two young ladies here who need to pay up. :D

OK, so if we live by the LAW, you'll get the atta boys...but you know that in the SPIRIT OF THE LAW, you owe us!
Plus, the sports thread is still closed for sabbath??
Congrats to Steelers fans - I was pulling for them and am glad they won! That is a classy organization and it's nice to see good guys win. Not that the Cardinals aren't classy as well, especially Kurt Warner, but Mike Tomlin seems like a great guy and is a professing Christian.

What a great game that was! I didn't think anything could top the Giants-Pats game last year, but wow, that was a thriller. If you're going to win a Super Bowl, that's the way to do it. That INT return was one of the most amazing plays I've ever seen. Great game!
:offtopic: But from what I understand Mike Tomlin goes to the local "Big Box" African-American Baptist Church, Mt. Ararat Baptist Church, which is near where he lives. (By the way he lives 6 blocks from me...)

According to this article he goes to Allegheny Center Alliance Church. Regardless, he seems to have a credible profession of faith. And his mentor is Tony Dungy, who is also a Christian.

Opposing Views: NEWS: Steeler's Coach Mike Tomlin on Faith and Football
Woooo Hooooo! I do not have a voice. That was the best game of football I've ever seen. There were about 30 seconds where I thought, "How am I going to face everybody on the Puritan Board?" That thought was immediately followed by depression that my biggest worry is what my internet friends will say. Uh Oh. I think I'm in a bad place:lol:

I am glad that you appreciate us that much :)
I will pray in earnest for all of you, sanctification is a lifelong process and Lord willing you will one day see the folly of rooting for pittsburgh.:p:smug::book2::graduate::think:

That is what I meant... I always get those two churches confused...

ACAC is actually kind of legit, as far as I can tell. I've only been once, but the sermon was actually centered on using the WCF to teach Scripture! (Maybe a fluke, I don't know.) It has the band and such that I don't prefer, but they may be a true church. And the church shows lots and lots of love to the city and especially the children. I don't know what their theology is, as I don't know much about CMA. I doubt they are Reformed, just from reading a little on the website. But I know some of the elect are members there.
yep yep... I'll pay up on that... here's 6 atta boys...
(but we still won!!!!!!)

Oh no you don't! That's SIX "ATTA BOY." Not a "six atta boy statement." See example in our "betting" thread. Sjonee received one "Atta girl." I gotta a whole much of those coming, gender corrected of course.

Absolutely, Jessi. The Steelers are the champions. My congratulations are sincere.

But I still won the bet. :D The wonders of the spread....
:offtopic: But from what I understand Mike Tomlin goes to the local "Big Box" African-American Baptist Church, Mt. Ararat Baptist Church, which is near where he lives. (By the way he lives 6 blocks from me...)

According to this article he goes to Allegheny Center Alliance Church. Regardless, he seems to have a credible profession of faith. And his mentor is Tony Dungy, who is also a Christian.

Opposing Views: NEWS: Steeler's Coach Mike Tomlin on Faith and Football

Thanks for that article! I had no idea that Tomlin professed to be a Christian or some of the other coaches. I like this quote:

Linebackers coach Keith Butler sat in the stands during Tuesday's media day silently watching the frenzied interaction between players and hoards of reporters.

"This isn't life-or-death pressure," Butler said of Super Bowl week. "It's not like life or death in eternity without God.

"Is this game important? Yes. Is it the most important thing? Not even close."
Congrats to the Steelers fans. It was a great game, which hasn't that often in the history of the Super Bowl.

I'm not hoarse and I'll tell you why...I'm a baseball fan.

Now the World Series between Milwaukee and St. Louis in '82 (when I had no inkling that I'd ever live in WI) is a different story. That was seven games and it almost killed me.
hey not to change the subject BUT......
did you see the Transformers Commercial?????? My oldest is tring to count down the days till 6/26/09 but he hasn't figured out the whole month thing yet...LOL... he just knows it will be in a bunch of sleeps lol...
hey not to change the subject BUT......
did you see the Transformers Commercial?????? My oldest is tring to count down the days till 6/26/09 but he hasn't figured out the whole month thing yet...LOL... he just knows it will be in a bunch of sleeps lol...

I can't wait, also.

But, how about the raunchiness of some of those commercials? ICK.
Congrats to the Steelers fans. It was a great game, which hasn't that often in the history of the Super Bowl.

I'm not hoarse and I'll tell you why...I'm a baseball fan.

Now the World Series between Milwaukee and St. Louis in '82 (when I had no inkling that I'd ever live in WI) is a different story. That was seven games and it almost killed me.

Me, too! And that serious was great. I think my heart stopped a few times.
hey not to change the subject BUT......
did you see the Transformers Commercial?????? My oldest is tring to count down the days till 6/26/09 but he hasn't figured out the whole month thing yet...LOL... he just knows it will be in a bunch of sleeps lol...

I can't wait, also.

But, how about the raunchiness of some of those commercials? ICK.

I saw like 5 commercials... almost all had cute animals in it
and one was a spin off on MacGyver.... that one was LAME!!!!! and of course the transformer preview
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