Walmart Partners With Gay and Lesbian Group

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I have been thinking about this far a while. I could have become an assistant manager recently and I turned it down. At the moment I could really use the bucks. I would have doubled my income. I just couldn't do it.

It is evident that the Lord has me on another path. I will be glad when I can leave Wal-Mart behind for good.
I used to work there and know how much managers make. While it's not a fortune, it's pretty nice. The Wal*Mart I used to work for gave managers every evening and weekend off as well!
This is pretty surprising,considering how conservative Sam Walton was.

Management make great money.Assistant manager start off pay is close to 35K a year plus bonuses.Co-managers make anywhere from 50-80K plus bonuses.Our store did so well last year that our store manager made 125K in bonuses this year.That`s not including his regular salary which is around 100K.

Granted the store is a super center and a extremely busy one at that.
Originally posted by houseparent
I used to work there and know how much managers make. While it's not a fortune, it's pretty nice. The Wal*Mart I used to work for gave managers every evening and weekend off as well!

Evenings and weekends off? Not here. Here it's at least a couple of evenings a week...until 10 PM. In our market (once called district) an assistant managers works at least one Sunday a month. That just won't work for me.
Originally posted by Average Joey
This is pretty surprising,considering how conservative Sam Walton was.

Management make great money.Assistant manager start off pay is close to 35K a year plus bonuses.Co-managers make anywhere from 50-80K plus bonuses.Our store did so well last year that our store manager made 125K in bonuses this year.That`s not including his regular salary which is around 100K.

Granted the store is a super center and a extremely busy one at that.

Yes, Sam was conservative and I believe he would be knocking some heads together if he were around today. Wal-Mart is no longer the company that Sam started or envisioned.

Right now assistant managers start at 38K, plus the bonus you mentioned. So taking that amount into account, plus my first post in this thread, you know how poor I am! :lol: I'm just a :pilgrim: in this world!
Oh, well I was talking about "department" managers. All department managers in our local store make their own schedule and NONE work any evenings or weekends.
Originally posted by houseparent
Oh, well I was talking about "department" managers. All department managers in our local store make their own schedule and NONE work any evenings or weekends.

Yes, indeed, you are right. That's why, for the time being, I'm one of them!
Yet you don't get paid that well? I am nearly certain our dept. managers made about $15-16 an hour. You won't get rich with that, but it's not bad.
Originally posted by houseparent
Yet you don't get paid that well? I am nearly certain our dept. managers made about $15-16 an hour. You won't get rich with that, but it's not bad.

Not even remotely close.
I sense a rebirth of Mom and Pop places coming down the pipe really soon -- for those who actually care about "core values".

After all, it was a "Mom and Pop" bank that brought down the Very Big Corporation of America in Monty Python's The Meaning of Life in a short called The Crimson Permanent Assurance
Originally posted by Ivan
Originally posted by houseparent
Yet you don't get paid that well? I am nearly certain our dept. managers made about $15-16 an hour. You won't get rich with that, but it's not bad.

Not even remotely close.

Wow, as an associate I made 10 an hour starting out. We're not ina real BIG area either (Palmyra, Pa.)
Originally posted by houseparent
Originally posted by Ivan
Originally posted by houseparent
Yet you don't get paid that well? I am nearly certain our dept. managers made about $15-16 an hour. You won't get rich with that, but it's not bad.

Not even remotely close.

Wow, as an associate I made 10 an hour starting out. We're not ina real BIG area either (Palmyra, Pa.)

Associates start at $6.00 per hour here.

This was mentioned this morning in our meeting. The store manager said that it didn't really affect us. It was a corporate desicion to be "more inclusive". That Wal-Mart gave "only" $25,000 to the organization in question. That compared to the almost $25,000 our local store gave to schools, libraries and other organizations we support locally.

Someone commented that they had heard positive comments about the corporations decision to support a gay organization. However, other associates said that they had heard negative comments.
Yesterday one of our elders announced that he canceled his Sam's Club membership over this. Not becuase he thought it would have any affect on Wal-Mart, but because it was the right thing to do.

I was so proud.

I do respect one thing about Wal-Mart - they are spending their money according to their principles, depraved as they may be. They now give preference to vendors and suppliers that are sodomite, so merely being the best price doesn't necessarily get their business.
Well, obviously. I have a problem. As some of you know, I work at Wal-Mart. I've been working there for almost two years. I have done well. In fact, I could have went into the assistant manager's program and would be starting in a few days, but if I had become an assistant manager I would have had to work Sundays.

Working Sundays in themselves is problematic, but I have just become the pastor of a little Baptist church in northern Illinois. Most churches frown on their pastors not being there on Sundays! ;) I believed God was calling me to become pastor of this church, so the assistant manager's program was out of the question for me.

However, as all can observe from the original post in this thread, Wal-Mart has taken a turn to the left. My problem is this: How can I stay with a company that is supporting beliefs that are clearly unbiblical. Well, I can't.

Financially, I can't quit tomorrow. I have responsibilites and I like to eat. I guess what I'm asking for more than anything else is that you pray for me. The little church I pastor is not going to be able to fully support me for some time.

So, my brothers and sisters, I ask that you pray that I will find gainful employment and thereby be able to resign from my position at Wal-Mart.
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