What do you collect?

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Richard King

Puritan Board Senior
This is a just for fun question. I used to collect firearms. Now I generally just collect really good quotes (and secretly I collect good recipes too). I know some folks collect guitars, antique tools and even beer cans.
I KNOW anyone on the PB collects books.
Just wondering if any of you have unusual collections?
Fossils and rocks. Almost anything to do with Dr Who (especially the classic series before its modern revival).
I used to collect unusual musical instruments, but I'm having to sell them all off now!
They might not be considered unusual to you guys... but in England not many people play them. I used to be a session guitarist a long time ago, so guitar is my primary instrument, but I've also owned mandolins, greek mandolini's, harmonica, theremin, various african and asian drums, irish whistles etc... my latest one was going to be a hurdy gurdy, but before I could do that I got marrieed... lol say no more! Now I'm in the process of selling them all off in order to be more financially secure ;)
I collect old, now defunct electronic devices. Then I salvage components from them for my projects. :)
Fun queston. I collect anything Swedish and ruby red depression glass. Love the Ikea store.
Books by John Buchan. I have almost everything in a good readable, and a large collection of the various "Firsts" (i.e !st Canadian, Ist American, etc).

First editions of books by "intersting" political leaders. (everyone from JFK to Trotsky)

Signed editions of 19th & 20th century reformed authors. (have a couple of nice Spurgeons.)
Sports cars: Ferrari, Mcclaren, Porsche.... :lol: Just kidding.

I'm with brother Jim on theology books. And glass bottles, specifically Bundaburgs. Ginger beers, root beers, and lemon lime. :) It started because I wanted to set aside the glass bottles from regular trash for recycling. Never got to throwing them out. Haha!
I like to collect Lake Superior Agates. Usually can find them taking a stroll down a dirt road or along Lake Superior.
I like to collect Lake Superior Agates. Usually can find them taking a stroll down a dirt road or along Lake Superior.

Wow! I thought those were hard to identify? Do you polish them up? Do you have pictures? Please post some if you do!
I'd also like to see some agates and fossils. I found some fossil shark's teeth not far from my house, but they were on a commercial site and I was only invited there once. I'd love to find a place where I could do more hunting.

I collect post cards. My grandparents used to travel a lot so I have some of their post cards from the 30-60s. Of course, I have post cards from my own travels too.
Used to collect antique woodworking tools, especially wooden hand planes. Sold about half of them off to pay for part of seminary back in the mid-90s. Might start collecting again as I'm finding time to get back into building stuff. Prices sure have risen though since I bought most of mine in the late 70's.

All my book buying is conveniently sublimated into purchases on behalf of the Historical Center--most any published work on most any aspect covering American Presbyterianism. Also have a sub-specialty on the Westminster Standards. See PCA Historical Center : Research Library holdings on the Westminster Confession & Catechisms for "da list" as it stands currently. Few additions over the last year due to curtailed contributions.
I collect theological works of the Puritans and Scottish Presbyterians, postage stamps of the 19th century, and southern postal history of the 19th and 20th centuries.
James Durham books as I need them for new editions, and editions of the Westminster Standards as I need them for critical text research (140 examples maybe? maybe not quite that; started collecting and working on the text in summer of 2002).
I informally collect Christian books and video games.

My book collection isn't very impressive right now, but one day I hope to have one of those fancy home libraries and a comfortable chair to read in. Having previously been an occultist, I did also have a number of occult books, but had them disposed of. Right now I am looking at getting some Puritan and Reformed works.

I'm also somewhat of a video game and computer addict, something which I really need to work on, much to my reluctance. I mostly collect older computer games, from the late 80s through to the late 90s, especially if I can find them in a full-size box with a printed manual. Nowadays you just get a DVD case and a manual on PDF, or even none at all.
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