What do you think of this site?

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I remember long ago when I first became introduced to the reformed tradition I came across this site. For some reason, something told me to stay away from it, but I honestly can't say why. I look forward to reading what others have to say.

"The heart has its reasons which reason knows nothing of" Blaise Pascal
It's an old RPCNA site; very early on the Net (but not quick enough to get reformed.org!). The former pastor was the late Ray Joseph; Brian Schwertley when he was still RPCNA wrote a lot of material that may still appear there. I don't know the new pastor. It's an old "blue blood" RP congregation I think. Not sure why anyone should be skiddish of it.;) Ray was great; miss his posts on the various reformed boards.

It's a very useful and edifying site which has a lot of good RPCNA literature, sermons and resources. Not everything on the site I would agree with but that's the case most places. I've quoted from resources on that site numerous times here on the PB and so have countless others. It's listed among my favorites.

The featured sermon of the day (currently) is by Ian Wise, a very good RPCNA minister in the Durham, NC area.
Okay. Maybe my DToM was set to stun back then. Perhaps I'll check it out if I ever have more time.
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