What is Warfield's best work?

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Ok, I've never read B.B. Warfield before and I want to get one book. I can only afford one at this point but I don't know which one is best! Any recommendations? Is there one work of his that's sort of defining? (a.k.a. for Calvin it's the Institutes, for Luther its Bondage of the Will etc...) Thanks!

Q. What was Warfield's best work, that really defined him?
A. How he cared for his wife, Annie, who was essentially an invalid most of their married life.

As to his publications, that's tough because he was so wide-ranging, and of the "books" that were published, either originally by Oxford or subsequently by P&R, they consisted mostly of collections of articles on a given subject. And many of those articles appeared first on the pages of the Princeton Theological Review. I would probably pick the P&R volume The Inspiration and Authority of the Bible, though Counterfeit Miracles is up there too.

If you go to eBay right now, you can buy Inspiration and Authority for $14.00 postpaid. Or you can buy the two volume collection of Shorter Writings for right at about $20.00, ppd.

Again on eBay, Powell's Bookstore is also selling Studies in Theology, another great title, for $15.00 ppd.

You can't go wrong.
Get a volume of sermons; it doesn't really matter which one but Faith and Life would get my vote because it has more sermons than any of the other collections. You will get to experience all the qualities of mind that made him a great theologian, but you will also get to enjoy some really intellectual and really spiritual and really expositional preaching. I am not at all sure that I have come across any preacher who is entirely his equal.
His best-known stuff is probably v.1 of the 10-volume works, a significant part of his work on the doctrine of Scripture; but though it is great stuff I would choose his sermons over that, or over the revolutionising Plan of Salvation or even over the sensible and profound Shorter Writings.
Forget what I said. I didn't know what I was talking about. Go with Ruben.
Thanks for the feedback y'all! It looks like I'll probably pick up Faith and Life and the Plan of Salvation in the not too distant future. :)
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