What's your favorite place?

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Puritan Board Freshman
One of my favorite places to go is Watkins Glen State Park! It has 19 waterfalls along a mile and a half stretch for the eye to behold! http://www.llbean.com/parksearch/parks/html/292lln.htm

I am planning on grabbing my friends six kids (giving mom and dad a day off!) and my sister's three, plus my son for a hike next Monday! (LORD GIVE ME STRENGTH!)

What's your favorite place to escape?
Originally posted by Scott Bushey
North Conway, New Hampshire (during the foliage season)

OK, admittedly I don't get out and travel all that much, but New Hampshire has NEVER crossed my mind to travel too! Putting that to my list of would like toos... with the Grand Canyon, Yosemite, and SWitzerland!
Quebec City is my favorite place. When I lived in Vermont it was like going to Europe without flying. The food is some of the very best. The man on the street doesn't care for Americans but the shop keepers love our money and will treat you like royalty to get it.

After that I love Tennessee, the mountains AND the people both treat you well.

After that, anyplace with a good friend or a good book and a good beer for company.
I don't have a favorite place and seldom travel. I did love our family trip to Disney Land. Staying in one of the Disney Resorts was amazing. If I could live like that I certainly would.
Yosemite National Park, California is God's greatest creation. I grew up not too far from there, and spent a least one weekend there a summer for many years, backpacking or camping. I also worked and lived there for a summer. The best job in the world, worked five days a week outdoors everyday, eight-hours a day, and went hiking/backpacking on the off-hours and weekends. My wife and I were also married in Yosemite, and went backpacking on the honeymoon.

My second favorite place would be the Adirondack Mountains of upstate New York. Beautiful rocky mountains with crystal clear lakes, and great colors in the fall. Plus there so full of incredible history.
Originally posted by Plimoth Thom

My second favorite place would be the Adirondack Mountains of upstate New York. Beautiful rocky mountains with crystal clear lakes, and great colors in the fall. Plus there so full of incredible history.

I've camped up there, both in tents and in cabins, a few times. It's a trek (over 5 hours), but well worth it. I also hear the Catskills, just south of the Adirondaks, is nice as well!
I have to agree with Andrew. I use to Motorcycle to Skyline Drive and camp.

My favorite spot in Indiana is Turkey Run State Park. My boys and I take play guns and play war in the main Cavern on trail 3. What a cool place to sit down and smoke a cigar.

[Edited on 5-20-2005 by puritancovenanter]
Originally posted by VirginiaHuguenot
My other favorite place is the Outer Banks of North Carolina.

I know many people who love it there (as evidenced by all the OBX stickers you see on bumpers everywhere) but I was bored to tears there. Nothing but sand. I enjoy a good beach trip, but was shocked at how bored I was by the OBX. I did however enjoy the wild horses, first time I ever saw something like that.
Originally posted by houseparent
Originally posted by VirginiaHuguenot
My other favorite place is the Outer Banks of North Carolina.

I know many people who love it there (as evidenced by all the OBX stickers you see on bumpers everywhere) but I was bored to tears there. Nothing but sand. I enjoy a good beach trip, but was shocked at how bored I was by the OBX. I did however enjoy the wild horses, first time I ever saw something like that.

One thing I love about OBX is the remoteness and lack of commercialness. That may not appeal to everyone, but that's what I seek in a beach experience.

The horses on Ocracoke are wonderful, but the wild horses of Chincoteague (Chesapeake Bay, Eastern Shore) are amazing.
I love Washington, Idaho, and Montana. The mountains there are so beautiful. Sorry Easterners, the Appalachians are nice, but they don't hold a candle to the Rockies! Scaling one of those mountains is like climbing on top of the world. It's truly humbling to think that God created all that when your standing up there. :candle:


[Edited on 5-22-2005 by puritansailor]
I live between Sonoma County and Napa County in California...THE WINE COUNTRY. At different times of the year driving through the vineyards is beautiful. I have been to Europe and New England, etc...but nothing does it for me like northern California (plus great climate).




[Edited on 5-22-2005 by matthew11v25]
On a boat in Alaska. Here is a picture I took when we were there last. I love the water so on the water on a boat is what I love. :D


[Edited on 5-22-2005 by Augusta]
My favorite place within Yosemite NP, is Toulumne Meadows. I spent two full weeks living in a tent cabin here, working nearby, climbing Lembert Dome on my off-time, and backpacking into the backcountry from here. I've camped in the campground several times and have been backpacking on the various trails around here on several occasions.



Originally posted by joshua
I'm with Patrick...the Mountains for sure!

The nice, brisk, cold, fresh air. The smell of a campfire, or leaves burning. Ahh....

You're making me want to go camping again! I haven't been for so long....
These are beautiful places! If I knew how I'd post some pics of Watkins Glen, or the Adirondaks.

RE:, anywhere my wife and daughters are! and Mom's kithcen! two thumbs up (no icon?) You guys are awesome!

So this next weekend I will be taking my friends SIX kids, plus Joey, and my sister and her three kids, and we are all going to Watkins Glen for a hike! I will be getting the kids Thursday, keeping them through Saturday, giving mom and dad a break! Joey, who's 6'1, is NOT looking forward to the four little ones climbing all over him like he's an ENT from Lord of the Rings! (but between us, I think he loves it! he even initiates it sometimes!)
God's creation sure is wonderful to behold. Here are some pics from the Shenandoah Valley and the Outer Banks.



Seven Bends of the Shenandoah River:


Cape Hatteras Lighthouse:


[Edited on 5-22-2005 by VirginiaHuguenot]

I live in Metro Atlanta Area. When is your Mom cooking up something like that again???

I'd be shot at the door if I wore orange though !!!

My favorite place:
Definitely not Happy Gilmore's.

Highlands, NC. is nice (Golf, BBQ, waterfalls, hiking, BBQ and more golf)
Civil War battlefields - just imagining what it was like
In the arms of my children - no place better
Jackson, WY is nice
Washington Island, WI is a relaxing place
Flagstaff, AZ is beautiful
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