Would Calvin be banned?

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I posted on that forum awhile back for about a week or two. I found that instead of being edified in any way, I was just becoming angry. I quit posting and haven't looked at it since.

One thing I can say for the Puritan Board is that, even when there are disagreements, the posts are done tastefully and with respect. I'd like to thank everyone for that. :thumbup:

Matt should be proud that these people would ban him. :bs2:
No kidding! This section is supposed to be reformed yet it is seemingly controlled by the opinions of Romanists.
As much as I dislike such ignorance of history and doctrine, it's good to read it once and a while to remember where I have come from. I could see myself posting the same nonsense 10 years ago. :no:
It is full of R.C.'s who are constantly wanting to say something negative about reformed Theology. I cried foul.
Can you call a foul in debate? You should carry a yellow flag around with you and when you see a foul, toss that sucker on the ground.

I think that there can be great things that can happen from going to sites like that. It really makes me want to study, study study, pray pray, pray and work harder at being more dilligent in the faith.
[quote:f92f941b18]Matt should be proud that these people would ban him[/quote:f92f941b18]

I just came back from Peru and preached through the Attributes of God. In thinking about that conferecne, I would have been thrown out of most American Churches, much less "banned" from another board.

My browser (my internet security) would not let me go to the site you mentioned. What were they upset about? I'm always curious.
It doesn't look like he understood what the Catholic Church teaches. I don't think anyone is banned for misunderstanding.

This guy would be banned, in regard to his comments about other protestants:

Originally Posted by: C. Matthew McMahon

A Puritan's Mind
"Arminianism is not something hidden under a stone, but lives in full view, and in direct opposition, to the Gospel. It is a deceiving doctrine of demons wrought up from the pit of hell, where, in the consummation of the age, it will be cast for all eternity with the devil that spawned it and the false teachers who propagated it."

I like this one. It's in the list of things that would be allowed on the Board and things that would not:
[quote:bc06992da1]Allowed: "There is no such thing as purgatory" - as long as scripture and evidence is posted to argue this. [/quote:bc06992da1]

Just think about that one a minute. Basically they would want a direct quote from Scripture, I guess, that says that there is no such thing as purgatory. The burden of proof is, well, where was that again?
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