
  1. Jerusalem Blade

    ISRAEL, who art thou, and where art thou?

    ISRAEL, who art thou, and where art thou? This topic of Israel’s identity must be seen in the light of God’s word, or it is but the fancies and fictions of men. That of Jewry – the people of Israel in the time of Messiah, Jesus of Nazareth – who did not bow the knee to Him, and persisted in...
  2. Jerusalem Blade

    Updated 8 June 2022: Jerusalem Blade Collected eschatology & Revelation threads and posts

    Updated 8 June 2022: Jerusalem Blade Collected eschatology & Revelation threads and posts In the absence of the blogs of old here at PB where one could collect links to significant threads and posts, I’m going to post here for reference some previous eschatology threads (I’ve done the same for...