I thought of the recent thread on the law and the promises of God as I listened to this sermon yesterday on a lovely drive through the Alabama countryside. It was so helpful and I pray it’s a blessing and helpful to many of you as well.
Samuel Rutherford
The Due Right of Presbytery (1644)
Ch. 4, sect. 5, q. 3, pp. 221-232
Another foundation can no man lay, than that which is laid, Jesus Christ.” (1 Cor. 3:11). Hence Jesus Christ is the foundation of faith real or personal, and the knowledge of Christ is the dogmatical...
The danger of losing “the faith” took priority in Jude’s mind over a devotional treatise about salvation. It was therefore essential that those who were recasting the faith were to be identified and confronted and for their errors to be refuted (Jude 4, 10, 12, 16, 19). The Apostles Paul and...
Biblical Sincerity Discovered by Nicholas Lockyer (1611–1685)
Nicholas Lockyer (1611–1685) was a puritan divine with an exceptional preaching ability and fervent spirit towards reformation.
In “Biblical Sincerity Discovered,” Nicholas Lockyer offers a timeless exploration of the weighty...
Hello Puritan Board!
I’ve been attempting to understand repentance and faith, and I need some help. Going through “Christ the Lord” by Michael Horton, I see how repentance is not faith and is something that follows from faith. As Kim Riddelbarger writes in the book “repentance will never unite...
Refresh yourself in the faith with this brief poem on the Apostles’ Creed by an English minister in 1640.
In this battling dialogue Satan shames and condemns the Christian, who rises up in spiritual warfare, taking faith in Christ and his Word at every point. May your heart well-up with and...
What will it be like to see God? (Mt. 5:8) This is the end and fruit of the Christian life, forever.
Taste heaven with these newly collected resources from the best of reformed literature (which are not otherwise easy to come by):
On the Beatific Vision - ReformedBooksOnline
“As for me, I...
Faith and fear are opposites. Faith drives out fear and fear drives out faith. We have a choice to make, to live in fear or to live in faith. Let us look at some definitions. According to the Oxford English Dictionary fear means, “an unpleasant emotion caused by threat of danger, pain or harm.”...
I've spent the last two months searching for all available books on the Perseverance of the Saints. I've found that every single historical work on the matter, that I could find, teaches that the regenerate can never lose faith. I will explain why this is a stumbling block for me if I wished to...
I've read through several threads related to obedience and experiencing God's favor, and all have been helpful. I have a specific question related to the topic that hasn't been directly addressed (that I can find).
If one is working with the following specific definition of Fellowship with the...
Have you ever watched the movie or read the book titled, The Lathe of Heaven by Ursula K. Le Guin? It is a "science fiction novel by American writer Ursula K. Le Guin. The plot revolves around a character whose dreams alter past and present reality."
It has become kind of theme for my prayer...
We know that, in the New Testament era, salvation comes by grace through faith in Jesus Christ. Jesus is the way but, before Christ, what was the way?
We definitely can't say the Jews were saved by the law.
I usually go about arguing the position looking at Paul's quote of Habakkuk in Galatians...
So, I am not a Primitive Baptist. I am a Particular Baptist and hold to the London Baptist Confession. Nevertheless, I still get confused over multiple things I see in the Bible. It seems as if certain people were born again/regenerated/quickened long before they even heard the Gospel and...
There was a time when I was 'holier than thou.' I used to think that I was so Godly. I used to think that knowing the truth of the Gospel (which Calvinism entails) and all the fine details about the Gospel were all I needed for salvation.
I would always be obsessed with a girl. Always. If it...
Is it possible to prove/demonstrate the existence of God to an atheist (i.e. someone who doesn't accept the Bible as "proof")? If so, how can it be done effectively without using the Bible? If not, does that bother you, or are you comfortable with just saying it all comes down to "faith?"
Preaching from John 16:3, Martin Luther observes:
The true knowledge of God and of Christ has often been defined. It is not an idle, empty thought or dream, as reason is able to think of God and Christ on the basis of hearsay, and as it pictures Him and acts toward Him according to such...
Faith and Assurance by Joel Beeke | Reformed Theology Articles at Ligonier.org
I sure would like some clarity on the subject of assurance. Joel Beeke seems to be arguing in circles. First, he says in the video that...
I was reading Rev. Chris Gordon's blog and found this here:
"Perkins is adamant that assurance belongs to the essence of true faith. Read the following statements by Perkins and then compare them with the...
There is an exceptional discussion of justification in the early church over at Triablogue:
Triablogue: Seeds Of The Reformation
This is part of an ongoing discussion with some of the “Called to Communion” gang. As many of you probably know, justification was at the root of the...
I have written an article entitled "Assurance and faith, a package deal?" in which I assert that modern zealots confuse the two and lump them together. Imagine my disappointment when last month I heard this statement in a sermon--"The Bible says that if you're saved you'll know it."...
Lately, I've been trying to deepen my understanding of the nature of regeneration, faith, justification, and sanctification. I understand that Protestants have understood faith as consisting of knowledge, assent, and trust. My confusion comes as I am attempting to understand the place of one's...