Advice Solicited - Church Issues

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Just asking.....

Jonathan disobeyed his father Saul and supported David.

There are times we can't obey parents. My father threw my sister and I out of the house ( post college, and the Lord provided wonderfully for us) because we refused to obey his wicked heathen Christ hating demands. Things like stop going to church and stop reading the blankety blank bible among others. The straw that broke the camel's back was when I would not date a "good catch" who wasn't saved.

So anyway, isn't TD Jakes a line we don't cross? This is the social media of the church, not private opinion. Just because he is 17, he can't leave? I dunno. Seems to me he can. I know he loves his Mom and wants to be a good son, but, TD Jakes? Isn't that a hill to die on, a hill to lose everything for?

My mother is not forcing me to go, she actually encouraged me to stay home last week. What she barred me from is going to another church by myself. I volunteered to go because I believe it's better than sitting at home on Sabbath mornings. Also the posting of the article that supported Jakes occured on the man's personal page, not the church's. Still bad, as almost anyone who knows him knows his position in the church.
Thank you for clarifying. I am sorry you have to go through this and will pray for you again.
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