Attendance/Membership and the RPW

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That's fair. My apologies to the OP for taking this thread off course.
I think your question about temporary absence because of man made holy days is relevant and would definitely encourage you to start a new thread about that if you are wrestling with that.
For those that would hold to what is sometimes called “a stricter” view of the RPW. Ex. Acapella EP, no man made holy days, no responsive readings/congregational recitations, the Lord's Supper being one cup, one loaf, one table. Would you attend/become members in a church that departed from these principle, especially with regards to EP, holy days, and recitations from the congregation (assume there’s no local congregation that does hold to these principles)? And if so why?

Brother, what's notably missing from this is a spiritual evaluation of the ministry under which you already sit, vs. one that you may be intending to go into.

The shepherding love of one former Reformed Baptist pastor of mine has far exceeded what I have known from any Presbyterian minister, good as those presbyterian ministers are or have been. One of the most troublesome men I have ever known held to all the strict positions you have outlined. Correct regulation of worship is important, but it's not the only thing which is important.

If you're going to switch churches on these issues, you must realize that these are not the only issues to consider.

For myself, I can be member of such a congregation if I find the ministry to be sound and spiritual in other respects. Or if for some reason I cannot be a member, a glad adherent. I can refrain where I believe it would be sinning to partake. A ministry wholesome, spiritual, and faithfully regulated by the RPW is indeed an ideal, but few meet the full ideal. Nevertheless per the WCF they are still churches, and Christ has a candlestick there. If there is an element you cannot agree with, have a good-natured discussion with your elders and respectfully refrain.
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