Australian Rules Football

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Puritan Board Sophomore
If you've never seen Australian football before, this is a good match to start with. My team (Port Adelaide, aka Yartapuulti) came back from an insane 41-point deficit (final scores are similar to basketball scores) with 6:00 to play in the 3rd quarter to win a last-second miracle.

And here's a 15-minute extended highlight version:
If you've never seen Australian football before, this is a good match to start with. My team (Port Adelaide, aka Yartapuulti) came back from an insane 41-point deficit (final scores are similar to basketball scores) with 6:00 to play in the 3rd quarter to win a last-second miracle.

It looks like a cross between rugby and soccer.
It looks like a cross between rugby and soccer.
Pretty accurate, but it even has some basketball elements. There's frequent jump balls and you have to dribble/bounce the ball if you want to run more than 15 meters. It's actually the oldest football-type sport.
Back when cable channels were new, ESPN didn't have much in the way of major sports, and they would show Australian Rules football. I enjoyed watching the games. I don't think they have been regularly aired in years here.

About the same era, before CNN, when Ted Turner was first staring to cable cast his local Atlanta station, he was required to have some public service time on it. So he ran a news program in the middle of the night. One night, they brought in a German Shepherd, fed it peanut butter, and had the announcer read the news off camera while they broadcast the dog moving its mouth as it chewed the peanut butter - basically lip syncing the news. And that's how CNN got its start.

The good old days. When cable was worth watching.
Pretty accurate, but it even has some basketball elements. There's frequent jump balls and you have to dribble/bounce the ball if you want to run more than 15 meters. It's actually the oldest football-type sport.

I recall watching a show about Aussie rules and it mentioned a player with a Michael Jordan-like ability to run in mid-air. We are talking 20+ years ago.
When I was in high school, we would play "Australian rules basketball." The only rule was that you had to get the ball in the basket. Now that I live here in Australia, I'm impressed with the athleticism involved with footy. We sometimes have AFL games here in Launceston and I've been to a Hawthorn game. Very entertaining.
Back when cable channels were new, ESPN didn't have much in the way of major sports, and they would show Australian Rules football. I enjoyed watching the games. I don't think they have been regularly aired in years here.
I remember that, then in 2018 I recalled it and decided to search for it online and discovered I could subscribe and watch all the games online. That's when I became a real fan:
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