Black-Eyed Peas and Hog Jowl

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Here's what I'm working with so far...

* 2 pounds dried black-eyed peas
* 8 ounces hog jowl or 2 small to medium ham hocks
* 6 cups water water
* 1 large onion, coarsely chopped
* 1/2 teaspoon crushed red pepper
* 1/4 teaspoon sugar
* salt, to taste

Pick over the peas and rinse well, then soak in cold water overnight. Place ham hocks or hog jowl in large kettle with water, bring to boil, and cook for 1 1/2 hours. Drain peas and add to the hog jowl.
I'm going to go with the hocks, I've never had jowl and can't seem to get past the name. :) I've cooked hocks before.
How 'bout fatback? I've had a lot of veggies and beans cooked with fatback and served to me in my time (at just about any cross roads restaurant in the south before about 1980, and a few still do it). At home I'm more likely to add a dash of olive oil and maybe hickory seasoning.

A note about dried beans and peas; don't add any salt until they are about as soft as you want. It seems like they won't soften much after salt is added. Pressure cookers are great for beans too.
I'm taking my dogs on a walk and will be back shortly. I can put together a recipe for your or locate one that will work.

Just running out the door...
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