Brakel for ten bucks

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Puritan Board Post-Graduate
Brakel's The Christian's Reasonable Service vol. 1 and 3 is on sale for ten bucks on Reformation Heritage Book website. I talked with them yesterday about 2 and 4, but they are sold out. The entire set is currently being reprinted and will be out in a month or so, but for those penny pinchers (like me) who do not mind different covers to the volumes it will be cheaper to buy 1 and 3 for ten bucks each and then 2 and 4 with the new set when it comes out vs. the entire new set.

Just wanted to pass along the information.

Reformation Heritage Books - Search Results for "brakel"
RHB was very kind to me and gave them to me at cost. I got them for 80 dollars shipping included (which is amazing... I live in Canada). They were very kind.
Just got my catalog yesterday as well. They are now on the website for pre-order. Looks good. Thanks for the update.
Just get a fine laser-printer, as I did, and print old good books like Brakel's online for free! (Though the printer may cost a little at first, in the long run you will save a lot of money!)
So you guys are advocating buying a laser printer, plus all that ink, plus all that paper and then take 900 pages and hole punch each one and stick them in a binder? No way, I'd rather just buy the books!
He asked for least inexpensive Andrew, he never asked for the least time-consuming. :)

I beg to differ that your route is least expensive. Considering that time is money, then the long hours would add up, but even if you don't want to consider that, then I'm pretty sure laser printers are a nice chunk of change.
He asked for least inexpensive Andrew, he never asked for the least time-consuming. :)

I beg to differ that your route is least expensive. Considering that time is money, then the long hours would add up, but even if you don't want to consider that, then I'm pretty sure laser printers are a nice chunk of change.

True, but it was based on the presumption its already printed.

I will agree with you on the "time is money" aspect. Unless you have a REALLY GOOD reason to holepunch 900 pages, it'll be tossing hours into the garbage.
True, but it was based on the presumption its already printed.

I will agree with you on the "time is money" aspect. Unless you have a REALLY GOOD reason to holepunch 900 pages, it'll be tossing hours into the garbage.

I did this with Witsius' The Economy of the Covenants and it took me several hours. And, that was just volume 1. I'm a neat freak which is one reason why it took that long.

I think that the best option would be to buy a Kindle (it doesn't have the glare that LCD screens have) and just upload the pdf onto the ebook reader. $139 isn't cheap but since there's an abundance of free reading material that's available on the web, I think the investment is worth it.
Regarding the .pdf's mentioned above: I don't know who did the proofreading of the .pdf conversions, but it is obvious from the gibberish that they did not have any training in Greek and Hebrew or they didn't pay attention that the Hebrew is rendered with Greek letters. For me, this renders the .pdf's almost unusable.
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