Chaplains Harrased for being too religious

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Puritan Board Freshman
Great article at The New American. Where two Chaplains were ridiculed and driven out of a program for VA hospitals.
for example, The two chaplains charge that they were ridiculed and taunted by the program's director, Nancy Dietsch, a VA employee with a reputation for antagonism toward evangelical Christians, charged John Wells, the attorney representing the two chaplains in the suit. “She’s been very, very critical of Christians,” Wells told Fox News. “Instead of teaching anything dealing with faith issues, she’s dealing with a holistic, humanistic approach. It’s the idea that the spirit comes from within.”
Clearly our Caesars realize that Christians have an authority for their beliefs in conflict with theirs and wish to drive them out. No question that the only chaplains who will remain will be those who will be the states socio-political commissars.
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David Davis
PCA Montgomery
Dave,s Ravings
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