Conditioning us for Hilary 2008.

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Anton Bruckner

Puritan Board Professor
ABC is producing the series, "Commander in Chief" where Geena Davis plays a female President.

This show will run for 2 years and be the lead in for Hilary's 2008 campaign. Democracy, you got to love it. Push the right buttons and the masses will do as they are subtily commanded to. :D

sometimes you just have to laugh instead of being angry.
This will not be a show that will appear on my tv. It reminds me of when West Wing first came out to garner support for Billary towards the end of his second term. Utterly disgusting!

after the first season, people will say,
"Having a female president wouldn't be that bad"

second season
"Having a female president would be good, look at how Geena Davis leads the country"

Third season
"Having a female president would be great for America."

A female is running for president.

"Therefore let us vote for her"
Everything has been a setup for a Hillary run.Heck,even Bill`s eight years in office was just a setup for Hillary to become president.
Legally, She should not be allowed to run for president. After all she is married to Bill, and the Bible says that when married you become one flesh, and the US law says that one person can only be president for a total of 8 years .... :lol:
Originally posted by ANT
Legally, She should not be allowed to run for president. After all she is married to Bill, and the Bible says that when married you become one flesh, and the US law says that one person can only be president for a total of 8 years .... :lol:
the commercial says the show got 4 stars from reviewers, and they are calling it, "The best show in years". I thought the best show in years was Wrestle Mania 2000 Rock vs Stone Cold, but what do I know.
Originally posted by Slippery
the commercial says the show got 4 stars from reviewers, and they are calling it, "The best show in years". I thought the best show in years was Wrestle Mania 2000 Rock vs Stone Cold, but what do I know.

That was a pretty cool match.:D
Originally posted by Puritanhead
The first female President will probably be a Republican -- and most assuredly a bleeding heart Republican.

Methinks you might be a prophet.
Originally posted by Puritanhead
The first female President will probably be a Republican -- and most assuredly a bleeding heart Republican.


Seriously,is there anybody good left to run and win?
Originally posted by houseparent
I said the same thing to my wife the day I saw the comercial.

Steve(dh) said the same thing to me when we saw the commercial.

And, regardless the outcome of the next election, the show and subject matter still plants the seeds, and opens the door for society to change thier attitudes and have an "open mind" about a woman being the president... kind of like all the homosexual-friendly shows now, like 'Will and Grace'... They all are there for a political "purpose" GRRR. :mad:

You know, all spiritual issues and moral reasoning aside (yeah, like we could actually DO that here! ;) .... the last thing I want is a woman running our country. Talk about turning the US into a laughing stock. If that happened then we could REALLY talk about terrorist attacks, and Rodney Dangerfield won't have seen anything compared to what the USl will get!
Originally posted by bond-servant
kind of like all the homosexual-friendly shows now, like 'Will and Grace'... They all are there for a political "purpose" GRRR. :mad:
Did you watch the NBC episode of the sitcom, "My name is Earl"? Well they sent a promotional CDrom with the episode to my friend's house and he lent me. Well everyone in the first episode is stupid except the homosexual whom Earl had to make restitution to :D

In the Commander in Chief episode tonight, they've planted the seeds that republicans are sexist except for one or two :D they are the enemy in this show, that she (geena davis) has to fight to become President.

[Edited on 9-27-2005 by Slippery]
I don't think most Americans would object to a female president so long as they were qualified, and picked good people to help out, like any good president. We just haven't had one qualified yet. Plus, the candidate doesn't really matter. Most folks vote on issues, not on candidates. The only exception (kind of) I've seen to that rule thus far are the Clintons. Both Clintons excite the extreme left, and incite hatred on the right. The right wing will turn out in droves just to keep her from becoming president, no matter who will be running on the Republican side. I think that is why Bush has been letting Clinton get so much publicity lately (and letting Clinton stab him in the back the whole time). He's reminding conservative folks that the Clintons are still here, keeping them energized for the coming elections. The best thing the Democrats coudl do for their party is to not let her run. That would completely disorient the Republicans. :2cents:

[Edited on 9-28-2005 by puritansailor]
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