conservative voices in PC(USA)?

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Puritan Board Freshman
Recently heard that some churches in Ohio sent an overture to the next PC(USA) Assembly to change PC(USA) marriage polity. This churches want to change PC(USA) position on marriage, and restore that marriage is a relationship between a man and a woman.

I think this is not possible any more. What do you think?
You can read it here:
Celebrating what God calls sin is blasphemous.

I think the ship has sailed.

If these churches are still in the PC(USA) from a conviction for Christian unity, then I respect them for that, even if I don't agree. I have heard people state that as long as they personally were not required to do something against their convictions, that they would stay. It seems like they are not being compelled - yet. The recently ammended W-4.9000 says:
Nothing herein shall compel a teaching elder to perform nor compel a session to authorize
the use of church property for a marriage service that the teaching elder or the session
believes is contrary to the teaching elder’s or the session’s discernment of the Holy Spirit
and their understanding of the Word of God.
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But would it be possible to be against female elders? If you were willing to sit with them at presbytery, but not have them in the local congregation I mean.
But would it be possible to be against female elders? If you were willing to sit with them at presbytery, but not have them in the local congregation I mean.

I do not know what you mean.
But would it be possible to be against female elders? If you were willing to sit with them at presbytery, but not have them in the local congregation I mean.

Wynn Kenyon tried that and found the answer was "No."

When he finished seminary he initially sought a call to be the pastor of a small, rural UPCUSA church in the Pittsburgh area. His ordination examination led to a famous judicial case in the UPCUSA (Northern Presbyterian Church) which required all officers to participate in the ordination of women officers, without regard to their personal views on that practice. (See story of the case below).
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