Daniel 5 and Xenophon

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Puritan Board Senior
I was surprised to find very few commentators using nthe historian Xenophon's description of the fall of Babylon. This details the execution of the king of Babylon when the defences were breached by diverting the Euphrates. This together with the Medes and Persians allowing Nabathon (?) to reign in Tamar (?) is independent evidence for the co-reign of the two kings in seperate capitals.

There is such a wealth of detail in Xenophon I am surprised more use is not made of it. Belshazzar KNEW the Medes and Persians were at the gates but he had full granaries and full wine cellars it would seem and an impregnable city!

Right, off to see is I can find Xenophon online or as an audio file at librivox!
Can't quite tell from your slightly jumbled last sentence, but if your looking for an online version of Xenophon's Anabasis, there's a pretty good one here.

Logos also has the Oxyrhynchus Papyri in pre-publication, which will include most of Xenophon's works - although it will cost you a cool 250 clams...
Having trouble finding it in the text anyone know the passage I am looking for in Herodotus or Xenophon

I'm sorry, but I think I might have led you on a time-consuming goose chase in my first post. Xenophon's account of the defeat of Babylon is in his work Cyropaedia, not Anabasis. :doh: My mistake, and again I apologize.

Here is the account in Cyropaedia, bk. 7 (scroll about halfway down, to "[C.5]").

I hope this helps make up for my unintended misleading!
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