Disgusted with Christianity Today

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Iron Dramatist
As if I didn't have enough in Christianity Today to be disgusted with, they just put in a plug for one of the more (well, two of the more!) blasphemous movies I've ever heard of, in Bruce Almighty and, now, Evan Almighty. Check this out. :mad:
I had CT when I first became became a Christian, took it for about five years or so then read my First Touchstone, let CT drop and never looked back!:book2:
As if I didn't have enough in Christianity Today to be disgusted with, they just put in a plug for one of the more (well, two of the more!) blasphemous movies I've ever heard of, in Bruce Almighty and, now, Evan Almighty. Check this out. :mad:

Words like disgust and blasphemy are harsh, indeed. Did you write to CT first before “sharing” your disgust?

Have you thought about praying for brothers whose judgment you disagree with?

Have you thought about writing a more measured review of something that will attract all kinds of viewers? http://www.worldmag.com/articles/13067
Words like disgust and blasphemy are harsh, indeed. Did you write to CT first before “sharing” your disgust?

Have you thought about praying for brothers whose judgment you disagree with?

Have you thought about writing a more measured review of something that will attract all kinds of viewers? http://www.worldmag.com/articles/13067

Well, the movie is blasphemous. So, harsh as it is, there is no getting around that.

CT publicly put out a favorable review - I publicly call a spade a spade. They have made a gross error in judgment, and it is no surprise, given the nature of the magazine.

How do you know I am not praying for them? You're making lots of assumptions. (i haven't but now that you mention it, I will, but it
is inappropriate for you to speculate as to whether I had held them
up in prayer for their repentance or not)

Why would I write a review that would attract any viewer to a blasphemous movie?
Unfortunately ... The magazine's title is accurate. They are a reflection of Christianity in today's America. I'm sure that the sermon clips and power point presentations will be all over the net based on that blasphemous movie very soon if not already.
Been so long since I looked at a CT I don't know if it's blasphemous. I do know those "Almighty" movies are........I saw Bruce Almighty with my own two eyes,man afterwards Megan and I went off to pray. I felt guilt for supporting it......about wore out my Anglican Rosary that night.
Todd - with all due respect to those that may still subscribe to Christianity Today, I gave up on that rag a long time ago.
WAVA radio (105.1 FM) out of D.C./No. VA. play commercials for Bruce Almighty. It's the only station in the area where I can here MacArthur, Sproul and Zacharias. Why would a Christian station air that type of a commerical?
You nerds. Get with the program and the world and be relevant! No one wants to hear about your stuffy, old, worn out Christianity. Be cool, be hip - oh wait I tried that already and - oops - it didn't work.

-Charles Finney
You nerds. Get with the program and the world and be relevant! No one wants to hear about your stuffy, old, worn out Christianity. Be cool, be hip - oh wait I tried that already and - oops - it didn't work.

-Charles Finney
:D:D:D yup! I think we all tried that, Sproul (I think) said we are now in a time when Christians are ashamed to act like Christians, we no longer bear our reproach well.:2cents:
These statements say it all:

CT: Do you have any kind of a personal mission statement?

Shadyac: Yeah, but I don't know how to articulate it in five words or less.

CT: You don't have to.

Well, the movie is blasphemous. So, harsh as it is, there is no getting around that.

CT publicly put out a favorable review - I publicly call a spade a spade. They have made a gross error in judgment, and it is no surprise, given the nature of the magazine.

How do you know I am not praying for them? You're making lots of assumptions. (i haven't but now that you mention it, I will, but it
is inappropriate for you to speculate as to whether I had held them
up in prayer for their repentance or not)

Why would I write a review that would attract any viewer to a blasphemous movie?

So did WORLD Magazine -- and the nature of CT reflects the nature of teh church, to whom we are to be salt and light.

I didn't know -- that's why I asked.

Writing reviews of what's in the culture is a good way to think about how to express truth to confused people.
The good news is the subscription rates for periodicals like Modern Reformation and by Faith are going gangbusters.

I think people interested in knowing and living a biblically faithful theology recognize that Christianity Today (among others) is the periodical equivalent to an airport interfaith chapel.
I used to call it "Christianity Astray."

Since many Christians are still in denominations whose doctrines stray, it's helpful to be able to read what they are doing -- and their coverage in international events in the church is worth noting.

I am more impressed with folks who take the time to explain, and argue persuasively than those whose comments are limited to harsh words.
Honest question: What makes the movie blasphemous? (I have not seen it...)

I'm speaking here only of Bruce Almighty, which I saw 5 minutes of on a plane once before realizing what it was (and then buried myself in, oddly enough, John Owen's Christologia)

The primary issue with the movie is that God is pictured in human form (Morgan Freeman). This is enough.

Secondly, however, the whole premise is a flippant treatment of God - that He would grant divine powers to a human being in order to make some kind of point with that person. Naturally enough, in the film, all kinds of silliness ensues when Bruce finds out what kinds of things he can do.

It is an utterly disgraceful film in both these respects - and the fact that CT and/or any other Christian publication can actually suggest that Christians should see it is very sad to me.
Partial quote from the movie on an ad they play incessantly on the Christian station in Portland;
(Speaking of Noah's Flood) You wouldn't do that again. Would You do that again?"

In the movie, supposedly He does do that again, which in Scripture He said He would never do. God breaking His own covenant? Oh, well, I don't get my Covenant Theology from Hollywood. (she says smugly).


One reason for the apparent harshness in regard to these issues is that many of us have tried to reason with our brethern and even pastors in the mainstream evangelical churches on these kinds of issues to no avail. There are certain kinds of evil that appear to no longer be being restrained. That's one reason I'm an amillennialist. :worms:
So...what about clash of the Titans and tales of Greek gods?

Blaspehmy or mythology?

That's easy. Its mythology. What makes it acceptable is the better acting and story line. Remember the scene where Perseus rescues Andromeda (sp?)? That was awesome. :lol:

I'm sorry. I was just trying to lighten the mood.
Since they're representations of false gods, there should be no worries.

Very, very, very few people (except for some on the West Coast) would be tempted to worship Greek gods. However, many Americans (and american christians) would be very much persuaded by something like Evan Almighty.
Huh? No one is tempted to worship Poseidon, but people would be tempted to worship Morgan Freeman? Isn't this movie a sort of modern mythology of sorts?

I wouldn't call the basis for Evan Almighty mythology since the Ark and the Flood actually did take place. Not to mention the fact that this movie is simply just bad theology. After all, God did say that He would never again destroy the Earth by flood.
Not familiar with that one. Is this what you are talking about?


The good news is the subscription rates for periodicals like Modern Reformation and by Faith are going gangbusters.

I think people interested in knowing and living a biblically faithful theology recognize that Christianity Today (among others) is the periodical equivalent to an airport interfaith chapel.
Honest question: What makes the movie blasphemous? (I have not seen it...)

I am of the opinion that the title is even blasphemous. There is only one Almighty and Evan aint it.

This might not fall in to the blasphemous category, but I really do not like how Hollywood has made a comedy of an event in human history where God judged the world to an extent that he wiped the slate clean of every living thing except the inhabitants of the ark! More life was lost then than probably all of the wars and disasters this world has seen ... and its funny. :banghead:
:agree: I wonder how they deal with that in the movie. In the movie is all flesh that is not in the ark killed? Is everyone just cool with that because Morgan Freeman is hard to hate?
In regard to movies such as this, my opinion regarding to it would be that it is not only blasphemous in its essence, but that it would also be sinful for one to sit by and tolerate the name of God to blasphemed in just such a way by watching a movie such as this.

Our holy God is to be worshipped and His name is to be reverenced and adored. The Israelites were commanded not to take the name of the Lord in vain, a command that extends in my view not merely to oaths, but in all manners of conversation. Gill, in his commentary, remarks:
Make use of the name Lord or God, or any other name and epithet of the divine Being, in a light and trifling way, without any show of reverence of him, and affection to him; whereas the name of God ought never to be mentioned but in a grave and serious manner, and with an awe of the greatness of his majesty upon the mind.

In regard to reading about mythological characters or ancient false gods, there is of no course mention of using their names in vain. It is a sin of course worship any god made with hands, but I do not believe it is wrong to obtain knowledge of the myths or false gods that cultures past embraced.
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