Disgusted with Christianity Today

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Heard an interview on our local christian radio station with christian music artist Jeremy Camp, in which he said it was a wonderful movie. That he had met with the director to discuss the movie, and that Christians should use the movie as a springboard to dialog with non-christians (how many times have i heard that one). The DJ on the station went on to praise the movie as well. :banghead:
Christianity Today certainly isn't the magazine envisioned by its first editor, Carl F. H. Henry (1913-2003), when it debuted in 1956. Henry wanted it to be a serious magazine dealing with theological, biblical, and pastoral topics, along with current political news of interest to pastors and other Christians (the magazine was originally headquartered in Washington, DC). As the magazine became successful, and started to make money, successive editors decided to make it more "popular". (Henry thought it was a mistake to relocate the magazine's editorial offices to Carol Stream, Illinois; he was eased out as editor in 1968.)

But, then, Henry was a member of the founding faculty of Fuller Theological Seminary in 1947 - a school that he hoped would demonstrate that Christians were capable of serious theological academic work without giving up their conservative theological convictions - and look what happened to it, over time. (Henry left the faculty in 1958.)

So Carl Henry was 0 for 2 in trying to establish serious Christian institutions that could counter the secular world.

Well, there's still his magnum opus, God, Revelation, and Authority, in six volumes (1976-1983).
mil·len·ni·um (mə-lěn'ē-əm) Pronunciation Key
n. pl. mil·len·ni·a (-lěn'ē-ə) or mil·len·ni·ums

A span of one thousand years.
A thousand-year period of holiness mentioned in Revelation 20, during which Jesus and his faithful followers are to rule on earth.
A hoped-for period of joy, serenity, prosperity, and justice.
A thousandth anniversary.


The flood is like God's wrath against rebellion and sin. The ark is like Jesus becoming our safehaven in that he suffered for our sins. If we trust in Jesus, we are sheltered from God's wrath because Jesus has already taken it. I am interested if (like the earlier Black Sabbath post) if this movie will lead some pagan people to an understanding of Christ as a propitiation for our sins.
Have you?

It seems to me that you're driving the idea that unless one has personally contacted the author of an article, he cannot critique or even call it sinful.

Is that what you're getting at, Ma'am?

I don't disagree with the review -- and yes if the feelings are as strong as the excessive language indicates – tell it to the writers – first. If you have a problem with a brother, take it to the brother. Even if you disagree with his or her theology.
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