Do you know someone can help?

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Puritan Board Sophomore
Dear friends, we are doing ministry in a area, where we have very limited income.

Our area also produces alot of fruits like mangoes, apples, guauaves and peanuts. We also have grains like maze etc. It can be bought on the cheaper rates from the local market or direct from the farmers.

Can anyone help us with techonology/some financial support of how to make something (like pickels, jams, pulp etc) out of these fruits?

I know many companies established outside uses these products for the same purposes and make alot of money and give employment to many people.

Can any Church/Christian NGO/a believer come forward to help us stand on our feet? I believe this way we can learn, earn, encourage the poor and needy people. And same time our Church believers will be helped.

This shall bring glory to God.

Your suggestion, guidelines, advice will help us greatly.

Raj, I don't know anyone right off hand, but I am sending this out to my e-mail list, as they may know someone that can offer assistance.

About the most I could do is share some recipes..
One of my friends asked:

Do they want to make product on a large production scale or are they talking about home made goods?? I bake, cook and can all kinds of things and could find some recipes and forward if they are looking at a small scale line.

A couple others sent me a couple names of folks who work in different areas of ministry, and I will see about contacting them and see if either their ministries could assist, or if they know of any others that might be able to that work more with what your looking for.

I sent an e-mail to one of them already, and sent your contact information,

SIFAT Technology

It's not exactly what your asking about, but they may know someone who can help or they may be able to help in other areas, either for you, or one of the other missionaries that post here..
Praying and I will send an email to someone that works in your general area.

Foods don't keep as well for long-distance shipping as other stuff.

We do handycrafts - anyone gifted in handicrafts to ship to the US?

Also, can you find responsible people to raise goats? We found donations enough for a small herd of goats. Given to a poor Christian who was responsibility, these goats multiplied more than any of the other goats in the area and this poor Christian sold a few for profit, returned money to the evangelism team to buy more goats and the goat herd was redistributede to another poor area. Now, we have goats in 3 places. Can you do a goat project or something like that? Perhaps a brother could help with the initial costs. I suppose rabbits and chickens could work too, but goats are hardy.
One of my friends asked:

Do they want to make product on a large production scale or are they talking about home made goods?? I bake, cook and can all kinds of things and could find some recipes and forward if they are looking at a small scale line.

A couple others sent me a couple names of folks who work in different areas of ministry, and I will see about contacting them and see if either their ministries could assist, or if they know of any others that might be able to that work more with what your looking for.

I sent an e-mail to one of them already, and sent your contact information,

SIFAT Technology

It's not exactly what your asking about, but they may know someone who can help or they may be able to help in other areas, either for you, or one of the other missionaries that post here..

Dear brother

We do not want to star t the work at a large scale but on a small scale at the begining, however if we find any experienced people who can help us at large, that would be also welcomed.

Yes, "it's not exactly...." We are open to anything which is legal and will help us, our people, and the ministry.

Starting some handicraft also ok. My wife also says, if we can start Beauty Parlours, and tailoring for some sisters.

Thanking you for asking other people to help us. We are praying that the Lord will open some doors.
Praying and I will send an email to someone that works in your general area.

Foods don't keep as well for long-distance shipping as other stuff.

We do handycrafts - anyone gifted in handicrafts to ship to the US?

Also, can you find responsible people to raise goats? We found donations enough for a small herd of goats. Given to a poor Christian who was responsibility, these goats multiplied more than any of the other goats in the area and this poor Christian sold a few for profit, returned money to the evangelism team to buy more goats and the goat herd was redistributede to another poor area. Now, we have goats in 3 places. Can you do a goat project or something like that? Perhaps a brother could help with the initial costs. I suppose rabbits and chickens could work too, but goats are hardy.

Raising goats and chickens is possible. As we are located in the villages. Please write through email to me if neccessary, the details.

Glad to know about your experience in the field.
Where do you see the potential market for these goods? It would effect the product strategy.

If for export you need to think about export standards.

If for local market you will want to assess what and where it will be sold. Work out some costs before you start out production. Can you compete with the other villages or large corporations? If you can work out street value and how much you can sell them for to buyers in the nearest city or where ever you plan to sell it then you can work out what your maximum production costs are. You can then see if it is financially viable.

I've read of projects where groups organize to export handicrafts to help folks like this, and it seems to work well. Does anybody here have import/export experience or business systems know-how to formulate a model? That would be something I could get excited about doing, but I don't know the first thing about it. I have time to give right now, but not much else. If anybody here has the knowledge, and can use a warm body, I'm game.

I could see marketing the products in such a way that emphasises the benefit to our brothers there, perhaps targeting a Christian market, or the fact that it is helping the Dalit (untouchables) community might appeal to a wider market. I know leather products are a big item from India, or clothing of some kind. What could they make, Raj? Anything unique to their culture? I agree with Pergs that foodstuffs would run up against a host of regulations, but its been done.
Dear friends, we are doing ministry in a area, where we have very limited income.

Our area also produces alot of fruits like mangoes, apples, guauaves and peanuts. We also have grains like maze etc. It can be bought on the cheaper rates from the local market or direct from the farmers.

Can anyone help us with techonology/some financial support of how to make something (like pickels, jams, pulp etc) out of these fruits?

I know many companies established outside uses these products for the same purposes and make alot of money and give employment to many people.

Can any Church/Christian NGO/a believer come forward to help us stand on our feet? I believe this way we can learn, earn, encourage the poor and needy people. And same time our Church believers will be helped.

This shall bring glory to God.

Your suggestion, guidelines, advice will help us greatly.

I'm sending this out on my email list too. Hope that helps. :)
Hello friends did any of you hear from your friends or contacts about this issue, if yes please share with me. Your help/suggestions/referals will help us greatly.

With prayers.
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