eBook Making Apps?

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Are there any free apps for the iPad that can be used to make eBooks?
What is your source material?

Calibre is a great tool for all kinds of conversions but it's going to depend on what you're trying to accomplish, and what device you want to read them on.
I’d like to type out and modernize excerpts from Puritan works in order to share them with people I know who would otherwise never read the Puritans. At least that’s my idea.

I wouldn’t know where to begin.
Is the only computer you have an iPad? That limits your options.

Now, how are the people you are sharing it with going to read it? They could read it in an email, or on a Kindle app, or...? Or just type it up in a Google Doc (online) and share the doc with them. The Google Doc app is free and they'd be able to read what you share with them that way without creating ebooks at all.

If you're wanting to publish bona fide ebooks, the easiest way to start (not the nicest but the easisest) is just type things up in Word and use a converter. There should be online "Word to Epub" converters, or to mobi, or whatever format necessary for their device.

The only app I know of that you could probably type in and produce ebooks is Scrivener, a publishing tool that does have an iOS app for $19.99.
I’ll have to look into it more, as well as figure out what it is that I’d actually like to do. Thanks for the information.
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