Help: I am Looking for a Specific Bible

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Puritan Board Senior

I am looking for a particular Bible with required specifications that I don't think is too obscure; however, I am unable to find one anywhere.

It is an ESV Single Column Reference Bible that is Thumb Indexed.

It appears Single Column Reference can be obtained and Thumb Indexed versions as well, but not together. Anyone know if such exists? And if not - why not?

I also prefer hardcover over leather bound with words of Christ in black (matching all the other words of Christ in the rest of scripture :rolleyes: ). Concordances are not required, nor are book summaries, but they can be tolerated.

I am basically looking for this Bible that includes Thumb Indexing.

Any help is greatly appreciated!
I think the only one they offer with thumb indexing doesn't match your other criteria. You can see it here.
I think the only one they offer with thumb indexing doesn't match your other criteria. You can see it here.

Looks like it does not exist. I should have thought to just check out Crossway to see if it was available - thanks for the link.

I contacted them with my question.

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