I Love Baseball

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Opening Baseball is awesome. Pirates hit a Three-Run home run to go ahead in the top of the 12th over the Braves!!!

I hear ya, brother. In sports there is nothing like Opening Day. The Tribe tried to blow it against the White Sox, but they were able to pull it out with 3 runs in the 8th.
Ok. Game Over. I can Go To Bed.

Bucs Win, Bucs Win... :cheers2:


Ugly but a win nonetheless. Nady is looking very good!

You beat the Braves. Good deal. I miss Nady. He was a good player for half a season. But I can't complain. Ollie Perez is a decent hitter and I would rather have pitching than offense any day of the week.

I agree. This is why the Yankees will do no better than last year even though they (yet again) have an All Star lineup and why the Braves were so successful in the 90's and why the Phillies will not go anywhere in the playoffs, etc. etc. Clutch starters complemented with a reliable bullpen is too hard to find these days (or rather afford these days).

Sandy Kofax and Don Drisdale could not be on the same team in today's self-centered game. There must be one star starter and that office can not be shared with anyone else.
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