I want my global warming back.

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Yep, we're in Hamilton, ON at several degrees below zero and it has been snowing on and off for three days. More than a foot in some places. The global warming aficionados would, I think, pan this off as "extreme" weather caused by global warming. Sounds like a bunch of hooey to me...
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Church cancelled. Many inches of white stuff, frozen on top, hoping the power doesn't go out! Brrrrrr! A balmy 21 degrees!
Went to church. Four of us there. Bitter cold, high winds, drifting snow...but I made it. The other three live five minutes from church. I live 25 minutes away...normally...today, 50 minutes.

Balmy 7 below right now, gonna warm up Tuesday so we can get more snow.

Bring it on!
Just got back from church. It was 5 degrees when I headed to church, 4 on the return trip. Snowing like crazy. We had 7-8 inches two days ago.

Yes, the congregation was much smaller today.
Never made it out of the driveway. Traction control, etc. notwithstanding, I never had a chance. Twenty minutes after starting the car and beginning to pirouette around the driveway, I got out and started up the snowblower. Thing is, the church is up the 'mountain' where weather conditions are almost always worse (i.e. we get eight inches, they get a foot).
-18F (-28 C) with -38 (F,C) with the windchill. But there is little snow on the ground and the sun is shining brightly in the sky so we are able to have two services today as per usual.
We canceled church this morning as well. It's been snowing like crazy since around 8am here (it's 2pm now). I can't see the homes on either side of us...

I do love days like this, but not on Sundays.
Never made it out of the driveway. Traction control, etc. notwithstanding, I never had a chance. Twenty minutes after starting the car and beginning to pirouette around the driveway, I got out and started up the snowblower. Thing is, the church is up the 'mountain' where weather conditions are almost always worse (i.e. we get eight inches, they get a foot).

I sympathize. Just off the phone with my Mom who lives in Mount Hope, at the top of the mountain.

-----Added 12/21/2008 at 06:38:41 EST-----

I'm enduring a bone chilling 78 degrees here.

Enjoy mowing your lawn tomorrow!
Yeah, church cancelled for a second week in a row here (ok, last week we had am service but no sunday school and no pm service; this week nothing).

I remember last storm we had, during my senior year, I was standing at a bus stop waiting for *any* bus to show up to take me *somewhere* near work, and commented to a fellow sufferer "so much for global warming". She turned to me, and said, surprised and totally serious, "don't you know that global warming means it will get colder in some places?" :banghead:
I sympathize. Just off the phone with my Mom who lives in Mount Hope, at the top of the mountain.

Ha! That's great! The only time we get to Mount Hope is when we're going to the Warplane Heritage Museum (it's not a typical destination for us, but we sure do love that museum). I'm not sure how old she is (that is, how mobile she is), but if she ever needs anything, it's just at the top of the hill - just let me know.
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