I'm graduating! Any advice?

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Puritan Board Freshman
Hey everybody!
I am graduating from high school!

Yeah, well seems as though more depression sets in than joy. Did anyone else feel all through high school a great joy to know that you will one day leave school, but once graduation is upon you things seems to be sad?

I think I found the reformed theology too late. I hope I am going to a good college for it. I am going to be attending Cedarville University next year, anyone know anything about thier views?

Ok, I just thought I would let everyone know. :)

Anybody have any advice for me now that I will not be taken care of anymore?
"I have seen what's out there in the world, and all I can say is, Go Back."

- Diane Court's Valedictorian speech at the beginning of "Say Anything"

Sorry. Couldn't resist.


When I was in HS (WAY back in the 80s), people were still saying that "these are the best years of your life, so enjoy them." I think people have stopped saying that. (I wonder if Columbine had something to do with that.) You know what, HS was some of the worst years of my life. I am much happier now. It's a big change, and change is always hard, but I think you'll end up enjoying college tremendously. Then you'll leave college and that will be hard. But the next thing will be good too. It's just hard now, and you don't have much to compare it to. Life is all about change, whether we like it or not. With age comes, if not wisdom, perspective. It's OK to be bummed for a little while, as long as you don't let it keep you from moving into the next stage of your life.

I don't know too much about Cedarville, but there are several seniors at the church I'm attending who will be going there in the Fall...so it can't be all bad!

You're so funny! "I think I found the reformed theology too late." I'm about twice your age, and I just found it recently! Give yourself a break! You're doing better than most people on the planet!

If you need to perk yourself up, do what I do. Drink lots of coffee and have a Stooges marathon. Your mood will improve immensely!

Mary :bs2:
Congratulations on the graduation man!

College is awesome, I'm really enjoying Auburn and RUF. Unfortunately I just checked the list of campuses that RUF is at, and it doesn't look like Cedarville is on there. Perhaps you could start one if you found other Reformed individuals.

And the nice thing about Reformed theology, is that if you think you've found it late, you still know you found it right on time because of God's sovreignty! Honestly though, I was in the PCA but really began reforming this past year (when I began college) so don't worry about it.

I do not think that Cedarville is reformed. The people I know who go there are generally the run of the mill SBC attender. I just checked their list of chapel speakers, and the only name I recognized was Norm Geisler, and I don't think he is reformed (am I right guys?).

I do not think you need to worry though as far as defending reformed theology. At Auburn I found it fairly easy to defend Calvinism (the main talking point) against the arguments of even seniors. Plus, it's also fun when someone is ranting to you about "arrogant predestinationists" when they don't know you are one! I've had that experience a couple times.

And no worries, you've got PuritanBoard behind you! When I've had issues, I thank God that he introduced me to these guys because they're are well-versed in the Word and are willing to help no matter what.

Graduation did seem a little sad, but in a sense it's a good thing. For one, you make so many friends at college and get exposed to a lot of good things, and when you come back, a lot of the silly things between people seem to have faded away. I'm hanging out with a friend who at times I, in my sin, despised in my senior year of high school. But that's not college, that's the Gospel I suppose.

Be careful with you money. It may take a while to get used to, especially with parents providing money and them not being able to supervise your spending. That doesn't mean live on Ramen for the rest of your life. Just be frugal.

Your first semester will be tough. I had a 2.7 my first semester and I was way depressed, but I knuckled down and did MUCH better the second semester. Don't be above setting down time for your studies. It will be hard, I guarantee, to not hang out with your new friends and hit the books, but if you want scholarship money you'll have to maintain a specific GPA, which means you need to spend some quality time the library.

Hope that helps!
[b:9cd9550491]SoldieroftheRock wrote:[/b:9cd9550491]
Yeah, well seems as though more depression sets in than joy. Did anyone else feel all through high school a great joy to know that you will one day leave school, but once graduation is upon you things seems to be sad?

I had a mixture of emotions when I graduated from high school. I was mostly happy and relieved that it was all over, but I recall it was a little sad too as you realize that everybody will be going their separate ways and a lot of the folks you probably wouldn't see again. For the most part, I'd say the predominant feeling was one of excitement and anticipation for the future.

The saddest thing for me was leaving my family. I was ready and eager to "cut the apron string" and move away (500 miles) to college, but it was tougher than I thought it would be to say good-bye to my parents when they drove me down to college. I was very sad when they drove away, but once they were out of sight heading home, I thought "Well, its time to go for it." So I walked over to my dorm room and started meeting people,etc.

[b:9cd9550491]SoldieroftheRock wrote:[/b:9cd9550491]
Anybody have any advice for me now that I will not be taken care of anymore?

In addition to the sound advice that's already been given about being frugal with your money and about planning time for your studies, I'd also recommend that you look into ways that you can have fun while at college. I'm sure I don't have to tell you that, but its good to check into what activities are available for you to get involved in. It may be joining a club or just having fun with the other people in the dorm.

Some of my best times were during college. I remember one time we had a "buck-buck" competition between the dorms. Are you familiar with Bill Cosby's "buck-buck story", with fat Albert? What a blast that was.

I'll never forget those "all-campus" snowball fights we used to have. I can still picture that football player coming at me when I hit him point-blank in the face with a snowball and it didn't even phase him. My track experience in high school paid off as I literally ran for my life.

And then there was the caving club where I got to do some repelling and also go into the caves. Both were neat experiences. It was especially neat when we found a weird looking little fish way down deep in an underground stream.

After I was saved, I went to a few different on-campus ministries. Had lots of fun playing volleyball, group singing, getting into scripture memory, etc.

Study hard, play hard, and be frugal with your money.


[Edited on 5-24-2004 by blhowes]
I couldn't wait to get out of school. I have no desire to ever go back (especially in my 40's).:D
Get a job and start paying your fair share of the tax burden, partner!!! :p


Congratulations on this milestone. May the Lord bless you as you seek His guidance for your future.

Thanks Everybody!

I suppose you are all right. Though I really had my heart set on eating ramen for awhile. The Coffee and Stooges sounds like a good idea- Thanks.

I am sure I can find some reformed thinkers (reformed theology that is) at Cedarville. There must be some, the Lord always keeps a remnant. :)

I have no problem saving money, I have been saving money for the past few years for college, though I wish I would have started earlier. As for the studies, I have no problem there, I have been studying constantly since I found the reformed theology. Kinda makes me sad thinking I made a statement that if I truly thought through my theology I actually found the reformed theology and most perfect time.

I guess I just need to remember Romans 8:28. God's providence will get me though, and if not, well there is a purpose for me not making it. Right?

Thanks for all the words of encouragement - I really mean that too.
[quote:2a12b41ade][i:2a12b41ade]Originally posted by Gregg[/i:2a12b41ade]
I couldn't wait to get out of school. I have no desire to ever go back (especially in my 40's).:D [/quote:2a12b41ade]
High School was such a bore for me. I was glad to get out on my own. I have no desire to do that again. Now, with college? I wish I had been more zealous to spread the gospel then. So many minds learning new things, and all being stuffed full of liberal/antichristian/communist/pinko gobble-dee-gook. I should have been a more vocal opponent to that nonsense. But besides that regret I'm glad it's over.
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