Just gained a lot of respect for Tim Tebow

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It is one of the most abused words on the contemporary internet. People think it means "unfazed".
Our witness is worth quite a bit, and I respect that aspect. But the man is in perpetual violation of the 4th commandment and that is a horrid witness. It would be like "Such and such is a godly and great witness and he is going to bring Jesus to so many people... it does not REALLY matter if he's an adulterer (or murderer, or thief, or liar, or pick one of the remaining 6)." It's just not a good witness to be in clear violation of the 4th commandment and hope that the church is going to kiss your superbowl ring as the rising star of the evangelical church.
Dear Pastor,

I concur with your sentiment relating to the 4th Commandment. In fact, I made mention of it in my post that has some admixture of Mr. Tebow's commendable public actions. So, while I heartily affirm and agree with you pertaining to the 4th Commandment, I must ask, though, isn't the last sentence presuming something evil of Tebow's intent? Has he ever publicly (or privately to you) expressed that he "hope the church is going to kiss [his] superbowl ring as the rising star of the evangelical church?" I haven't followed any of his games, and I never really watch the NFL. However, I have read a few news stories pertaining to him and such arrogance is not what I've read in relation to him. If he has publicly expressed such as you've implied, then forgive me for saying something here. If, however, he hasn't, maybe we can stick with the fact that he's systematically violating the 4th Commandment without imputing to him that he's clamoring to have a ring kissed as the godfather/star of the evangelical church.

Humbly and with due respect to your office,

Thanks Josh. I meant that the evangelical church generally is calling for all Christians to kiss the Tebow ring. I do believe that Tebow presents himself as a godly, humble, and sincere believer- not someone who is using Christ to advance himself. I am sorry that I was not more clear.
I don't think we should discredit him just because the larger part of evangelicalism denotes him as a hero to Christianity. No he isn't a hero of Christianity but at least he is trying to follow Christ in a public arena. Which I might add is quiet hard. (ex. not many popular people are Christians for this fact)
I don't think we should discredit him just because the larger part of evangelicalism denotes him as a hero to Christianity. No he isn't a hero of Christianity but at least he is trying to follow Christ in a public arena. Which I might add is quiet hard. (ex. not many popular people are Christians for this fact)

Well said. My thoughts exactly. He doesn't need our congratulations or our adoration, but we ought to be thankful that he is standing up against the tide in large measure. It's immensely hard to stand alone and get everything right (ask Luther). If we had more unashamedly Christian public figures in ethically difficult areas (doctors, lawyers, politicians, athletes, etc.), it would be harder to over-analyze and pick apart the few that are actually trying.
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