Reformed Covenanter
Cancelled Commissioner
Excess in apparel, as it argueth the levity and wantonness of the mind, by daily changing of fashions, apishly imitating the French, Spanish, & Italian cut: so doth it transform us into their lewd manners: wherein not youths only, but old Dotards also (whom it as well beseemeth, as a Fiddle doth an Ass) do offend. Every man in his Velvet, Silks, Gold, Silver, Pearls, whereas in the mean time, the poor and needy in great numbers starve for cold & nakedness.
For the refernce, see:
For the refernce, see:

Ludwig Lavater on excess in apparel
Excess in apparel, as it argueth the levity and wantonness of the mind, by daily changing of fashions, apishly imitating the French, Spanish, & Italian cut: so doth it transform us into their l…