Marcus Friedrich Wendelin's "Christian Theology"

Wendelin previews for us his study of Christ's threefold (prophetic, priestly, royal) office. The beauty of our Jesus!
Looking forward to this study. Thankyou Dr. Dilday. We are entering the palace of the king!
In our fallen condition, we are in the darkness of ignorance.

God has provided a remedy in Christ, the Great Prophet of the Church!
The Introductory Theology page has been fully updated, with a new reading from Wendelin on Christ's threefold Mediatorial Office, and a lecture on the Divine Decree!

The next installment on the Priesthood of our Jesus is lengthy and rich. Should be out in a handful of days...
Did the Lord Jesus render a true and proper satisfaction to divine justice on Calvary's Cross?

Wendelin addresses this crucial topic...
Flashback: Every Bible-believing Christian must have some doctrine of Predestination. The Bible attributes the term to God. The only question is: What does it mean?

Wendelin explores...

Did Christ die for the sins of all? or for the elect only?

Wendelin wades into this troubled water, denying the former, and defending the latter...