More Tebow

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Marrow Man

Drunk with Powder
The ESPN website has been on a roll in the last few days. First, they post a video for a Saturday Night Live skit which not only mocks Tim Tebow, but has a blasphemous portrayal of Jesus Christ (and actually endorses Mormonism!). That was bad enough. Then today they link the following article that not only criticizes Tebow, but Protestant theology in general:

Charles P. Pierce on the religion of Tim Tebow - Grantland

James Dobson is described as "anti-gay" and "anti-choice," Protestants are merely a splinter group (Southern Baptists are a splinter of a splinter), and sola fide is openly rejected in favor of a sacrament administered by a priest.

I am no fan of Tim Tebow, but this goes beyond that. It is an open attack upon evangelical Christianity in general. It is not unexpected, but let's call it what it is. And ESPN is openly endorsing it.
sola fide is openly rejected in favor of a sacrament administered by a priest.

That particular sentence I almost viewed as the high point of the article, as the priest's role is often glossed over nowadays. At least this article did acknowledge that there is a big difference between Catholicism and Protestantism...
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