Most Influential Book(s) to Your Early Christian Life?

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Ayn Rand - The New Left: The Return of the Primative
Augustine - City of God
Francis Schaeffer's books

In that order.

I enjoy reading Rand's books, but she is so godless--I am wondering in what ways this book has helped you? I have never read this one.

Hi! This book was so helpfull because it undid all the damage that a public school education did to me. I read the Bible cover to cover. That's how I was converted. (for more, read my about me page). I used to be a long-haired hippie liberal. This book undid my shackles and got my thinking on the right track.

One thing about Ayn Rand, is that although she was an athiest, her attacks in her books are against the church and how they present God, and not God as we know Him. (Rome in particular) I happen to agree with her in her analysis. She teaches that the priests are like witch doctors. Asking their followers to believe with no proof what-so-ever. A 'leap of faith' belief. I agree with her that thinking like this is total rubbish.

Let me break down what she teaches to help clarify things and explain.

1. Metaphysics - Objective Reality. Reality exists as an objective absolute- facts are facts, independent of man's feelings, wishes, hopes, or fears.

2. Epistemology - Reason. Reason (the faculty which identifies and intergrates the material provided by man's senses) is man's only means of perceiving reality, his only source of knowledge, his only guide to action, and his basic means of survival.

3. Ethics - Self-interest. Man - every man - is an end in himself, not the means to the ends of others. He must exist for his own sake, neither sacrificing himself to others nor sacrificing others to himself.

4. Politics - Capitalism. The ideal political-economic system is laissez-faire capitalism. It is a system where men deal with one another, not as victims and executioners, nor as masters and slaves, but as traders, by free, vountary exchange to mutual benefit. Man may not obtain values from others by the use of physical force. In a system of full capitalism, there should be a complete separation of state and economics.

Where her thinking breaks down is in her perception of reality. Reality is more than what we can see, taste, touch, or feel. She acknowledged there was more, but didn't extend it far enough to include God. God is an objective reality that you can prove. Ie, you can show that the Bible comes from beyond the space-time continuum that we live in. Evolution is also demolished using her criteria, but she didn't do so. I used her methods to demolish evolution, and to prove the Bible as God's word.

#3 listed above goes against Liberalism. Welfare and the whole government helping the poor is wrong and should be totaly done away. If I want to help the poor, I can give to whoever I want, but the govenment shouldn't be forcing me to 'help' them.

#4 goes against the whole modern political thought. And it's the only way to get our economy back. Get the government out of it. Make people responsible for their own purchasing decisions. Let the buyer beware was one of the foundations in thought that made our economy great. Let the people vote with their money.

Now the followers of Ayn Rand today are totally against God, and are adimante about this in ways she wasn't. So I don't read much of the stuff they put forth.

That's it in a nutshell. It broke my liberal mindset shackles that the public education taught me. The 'anti-conceptual' mentality that she talks about in the book I mentioned. If you have any further questions, feel free to ask, although I think this is a great idea for another thread. Great question!
Hi! This book was so helpfull because it undid all the damage that a public school education did to me. I read the Bible cover to cover. That's how I was converted. (for more, read my about me page). I used to be a long-haired hippie liberal. This book undid my shackles and got my thinking on the right track.

It's funny, Timothy. I often tell people that Ayn Rand led me to Christ.

I wish she had gotten to know Machen or Gordon Clark. It may have shaken her rigid world-view to find men who understood philosophy better than she did and yet came to the same conclusions she did regarding government and bad thinking.
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Humility: True Greatness by C. J. Mahaney
I learnt from this book how to fight my pride. Excelent.
I gave you a thanks because of your sig. That quote is moving and pride shattering. Oh how I wish that was my prayer.
Hi! This book was so helpfull because it undid all the damage that a public school education did to me. I read the Bible cover to cover. That's how I was converted. (for more, read my about me page). I used to be a long-haired hippie liberal. This book undid my shackles and got my thinking on the right track.

It's funny, Timothy. I often tell people that Ayn Rand led me to Christ.

Wow! Praise the Lord who is sovereign enough to use the wicked to furthur His kingdom.

Sounds like I need to read her book. :lol:
Pilgrim's Progress-Bunyan in Junior High, and then The Holiness of God-RC Sproul in 1997.
Hi! This book was so helpfull because it undid all the damage that a public school education did to me. I read the Bible cover to cover. That's how I was converted. (for more, read my about me page). I used to be a long-haired hippie liberal. This book undid my shackles and got my thinking on the right track.

It's funny, Timothy. I often tell people that Ayn Rand led me to Christ.

Wow! Praise the Lord who is sovereign enough to use the wicked to furthur His kingdom.

Sounds like I need to read her book. :lol:

Nah, don't bother. Read Machen instead! ;)

Actually, I've read about everything she had published. After a while it gets kind of old: Man is the Measure of Everything. Morality is being true to your reasoned nature, etc. She, needless to say, held a dim view of original sin.

But her emphasis on A is A, while basic, is apparently radical for our time. Her appeal to reason as a standard against emotionalism and feelings parallel the observations of good Calvinistic political and ethical writers. Her main flaw was that she thought man's reason could be flawless.
The books that I recall being most influential included 3 by MacArthur:

The Vanishing Conscience
Ashamed of the Gospel
Reckless Faith

I became acquainted with D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones as well as the Puritans through the ministries of MacArthur and Alistair Begg. The 2 volume authorised biography of Lloyd-Jones by Iain Murray was very influential.
Redemption, Accomplished and Applied by John Murray
Sovereignty of God, Pink
Berkhof's Systematic Theology
The first Christian book I read cover to cover after the Bible was "The existence and attributes of God" By Stephen I know... heavy stuff. I just couldnt put it down.

This was all right after my conversion. For the most part, I didn't understand much of what I was reading. One thing I was sure of, however, was that this was the God of the Bible, and that He was nothing like the "god" the world had taught me about.

Talk about a moment in time when you realize that you are less than slime..... awesome!
Don't Waste Your Life is such a great book. At one time we actually gave them away to every Ranger student at graduation. It is life changing.

With many recommendations on this book, I went out and bought 2 copies to work through with my 17 yr old daughter.

By the way, this book is available in pdf form at Desiring God :: God-centered resources from the ministry of John Piper along with a study guide. I am grateful for the wealth of information freely available on that website.

---Vinny Kochetta
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