Will the Allan version be verse by verse or paragraph format?
My understanding is that the Allan version is going to be the standard two column verse by verse format with center column cross references. As far as I know every one of their editions uses another company's text block, whether it's Oxford, Crossway or whoever. We've got
word straight from the horse's mouth that the NKJV is going to be the Broadman and Holman (B&H) Large Print Ultrathin text block. That being the case you can pretty much book it that it will be red letter since that's all that B&H and Nelson print. Nevertheless I hope it turns out otherwise as it will be more justifiable for me to spring for this edition if it is "black letter." But for me these red letters are more readable than the fire engine red or nearly pink colors you see in many newer red letter editions. (Evangelical Bible has more photos
here but since none of the shots are straight on and because they are taken from various distances, those photos are less helpful, in my opinion.) Large Print in this case is definitely a misnomer. "Large Print" keeps getting smaller and smaller! I guess "Giant Print" is what Large Print used to be.
This Holman text block is exactly the same text block as my trusty Nelson NKJV Quick Reference Edition. For many years (perhaps from the very beginning?) it has been the standard two-column NKJV reference edition. CBD and Evangelical Bible (and evidently the publisher) says it is 10 point type but I am not sure if it is even 9 point. I have a Zondervan NASB that is variously listed as 8.7 or 9 pt. and it is noticeably larger than this NKJV. However it's possible that the typeface is throwing me off as some of them look bigger to me than others (and are certainly more readable) even if they are the same size. You can click on "Additional Views" at CBD to have a look inside. About the only difference between the Holman and the Nelson Reference Editions is that the Holmans typically have much better quality covers and I think their Bibles always have sewn bindings. (But yet another glimmer of hope from Nelson is the relatively low budget KJV Reference edition I saw in Walmart today that has a sewn binding! It has a plum colored synthetic cover which of course will not suit all tastes. They had copies that were glued and others that were sewn, with the sewn ones being a little taller.)
It is the Schuyler NKJV (
a project of Evangelical Bible themselves) that is going to be single column paragraphed. As seen in the available photos, it is not a reference edition but it does include the textual notes. Evangelical Bible is not to be equated with R.L. Allan. They are merely the American distributor for Allan and at last count they don't carry all of Allan's KJV editions. One can order direct from Allan if desired. I think at times it might actually be cheaper to order direct depending on the current exchange rate.
The Cambridge Pitt Minion NKJV is a two column paragraphed NKJV, albeit with much smaller print. (It's listed as 6.75/7 pt and in this case that seems to be accurate. That's way too small for me to use on a regular basis so I didn't purchase one) But despite the smaller print the Pitt Minion has more cross references, the same amount as in several of the NKJV Study Bibles like the MacArthur. Why Nelson's regular reference editions don't have the same number of cross references is a mystery to me since they would fit with no problem. Were they perhaps trying to save money on ink?

As may have been mentioned earlier, Cambridge also has a Wide-Margin NKJV that has the same layout as the Pitt Minion but with larger text.