Perspectives on the Sabbath: Four Views

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Keith Mathison

Puritan Board Freshman
I thought some of you might be interested in this new book from Broadman & Holman: Perspectives on the Sabbath: Four Views.

The views represented are:

Seventh-day Sabbath - Skip MacCarty

Christian Sabbath - Jospeh Pipa

Fulfillment View - Craig Blomberg

Lutheran View - Charles Arand

Grace and Peace,

The perspectives series is excellent. I have Perspectives on Christian Worship and it is a great book. I will have to look for this one as well.
I'd have to say that I am quite ignorant of the Lutheran view. This looks like a good way to learn more about all of them. Thanks!
I think another view from a Continental Reformed perspective would have been interesting to compare with the Westminster foundation of Pipa.

There are nuances in different Reformed views of the Lord's day, actually in Holland that has been a classic topic of debate.
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