Eating out during the week is extremely common, and most often when invited to someone's home, including a pastor's, the food will have been catered/delivered or the like. Very little cooking seems to happen in this particular region. Lots of times people will invite each other to a fast food place or a burger joint near the church, wherever it might be.
Sounds like an opportunity to be counter-culture and for you to learn how to cook. Seriously, and invite people over occasionally for a home cooked meal (sounds like that will be very popular, and a great way to show hospitality.).
-----Added 4/15/2009 at 06:05:03 EST-----
God made the seventh day holy, because in it He finished His creative work. So, the Lord's Day rest is not specifically a physical rest. It is a holy rest. As God still performed works of necessity (i.e. sustaining His creation), we are able to follow His example by acts of love and mercy towards the saints.
I agree about rest--it's more than just a physical thing. But if pressed for a simple answer of what I think
the Sabbath is for, it is to worship and rest. I don't see the point in trying to define it more than Scripture does by composing a list of sinful activities on the Sabbath.
This is a good summary and the words are in line with what the Confessions summarize the doctrine of Scripture to be.
How does one "worship"?
In thought word, and deed (not doing work or seeking to entertain oneself, or thinking or talking about them).
How does one "rest"?
"Sabbath" means "cease." One ceases, or sets aside, the ordinary activities of the rest of the week (esp. work and entertainment) in order to "worship" as above. Exceptions for mercy and necessity are (graciously) allowed.
So, while taking a hike with friends and focusing conversation on sports, work, and personal problems are fine any other day, the Lord commands us to "set apart" the sabbath from these ordinary activities in order to focus on Him. Our flesh resents that, the fact a Holy God actually has a claim on "our" time. It's inconvenient (to our agenda), it's a restriction on "our" freedom, a holy God wouldn't want to impose a restriction on us...
so our fallen minds reason.
So, what do we do on the sabbath?
Corporate, personal and family worship.
That includes things like attend worship, Bible class, reading the Bible at home to the family, praying, singing spiritual songs, quiet time, meditating on God's Word, memorizing Scripture, engaging in mercy works (giving a ride to church to a needy person, inviting them for a meal). It means what the Confession calls 'religious talk'- discussion of God's Word, doctrine, application, etc. Praying quietly and together.
Yet, God's Word calls it a delight to spend the whole time worshipping Him, something we will do forever in Heaven.